String Theory

At the end of this third book, I’ve come to a point where I’m trying to give every character their own time to shine.  There are two large focal points that are separated by hundreds of miles, and a whole hell of a lot of mountains.

In each of these locales, I have a handful of characters who have been favored greatly by the readership over the past couple of years.  New abilities have been discovered, and, of course, the characters themselves have grown.  Recently introduced characters have to have their place in the sun as well, however.  As The Bindings of Fate suggested, fate has woven a web between everyone, and without all of their stories, the saga cannot be properly told.

There is an extra dimension to the conflicts that we see in the story, and that dimension was largely hinted at in the second book.  External forces have been pushing Blacklehn and Tarson to converge on Raleigh, and despite all the trouble that Kaos Kreegan has found himself in, nothing will prepare him for his encounters in The Enemy Within.

Though Kaos has always seemed at the center of the universe in the Child of the Stars trilogy (and rightly so, given the name), there is indeed a greater scope.  Everything is connected – things don’t just happen without a purpose.  Perhaps the gods have their hand involved in the events that have come to pass, and those that will.

To truly see where the story is going, you need to know where it has evolved from.  With that in mind, I’m happy to announce that the next full-length novel I will be working on for Tellest will focus on Kaos Kreegan’s childhood and his first real quest.  It will be called “The Veil of Mists” and it will introduce you to characters that you may have only heard about in passing, and also show you glimpses of familiar faces that you might not have thought to see again.

Work has resumed on Devour, but I’m still very cautious about putting a firm schedule to it.  My programmer has always been awesome to collaborate with, but I know that he’s incredibly busy.  He’s been tutoring me to try and pick up some of the slack, but there is a lot of logic/math involved, and, admittedly, that’s not my strength.

In any case, things are still plodding along in Tellest.  Hopefully, I’ll have some more meaty news for you soon.  With the wrap of my book coming shortly, I intend to start the trickle of excerpts.  Maybe one per month until the release!

Until then, take care, and thank you for your continued support!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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