Spiritual Fantasy – Gabby, The Protector: Finding Forever

We occasionally do some repeat work for authors, but I don’t think we’ve ever had one this close together.  Truly back to back, we have a second Spiritual Fantasy from Greg Sandora today that reunites the angel Gabby with the recent widower, Bo.

Gabby, The Protector: Finding Forever has a more political bent, but it still remains exactly what you expect from the characters and the situations that Sandora has created here.  It’s a bonus to see more of what goes on behind the curtain and beyond this life.  And of course, it’s awesome to see Gabby kick ass again.


Ancient prophecies foretell Political Power rising from unimaginable darkness. In The Protector, Gabby is given an earth assignment that will put her angelic powers to the test. Take the journey from the peak of professional baseball straight into Heaven in this epic battle between good and evil. A Presidential candidate funded by the wealthy is destined to rise to power and destroy mankind. Will his secret keep him from the highest office in the land? Can Bo and Gabby defeat the most powerful evil in the Universe?

Once again, if you’re into stories that project a message of faith, hope and even letting go to forces beyond your comprehension, the Angel Adventure books are a great series, and Gabby, The Protector: Finding Forever is well worth your attention.  Pick it up on Amazon now!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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