Science Fantasy Promo – Chaos (un)Controlled

Hello there folks, and welcome to another visit from the Otherworld.  It’s been just over a week since our last visit elsewhere, but we’re lucky enough to have the work of an excellent storyteller up here on the site today.

Chaos (un)Controlled is a book filled with gorgeous prose.  The author, Tael, uses words like paint, and this debut novel is a lovely canvas.  If you’re given the opportunity, just read the preview on the book’s Amazon page, and you’ll be hooked.  It’s a sturdy tale, too, with enough content inside that you’ll enjoy the value.  At the same time, though, you’ll wish you were given more time inside the life of protagonist Rixa Storms, as the pages seem to fly by.

Self-contained Rixa Storms can’t wait to escape the pressures of her mother’s religious, controlling thumb. Fleeing to college seems to be her only escape route, until she stumbles upon an opportunity to learn a unique power in a world called University Heights. But this unexpected ‘freedom’ she thinks she’s achieved holds a murky truth below its polished surface, and Rixa uncovers oppressive secrets the school has kept buried for years. As real and surreal worlds collide, and the pressure reaches a dangerous boiling point, Rixa realizes she may need to reassess what is truly shackling her—or risk being consumed by her awakened abilities.

This debut from author Tael is incredible, and well worth your time. If you’re familiar with Lev Grossman’s the Magicians (either from the books or the television show), you’ll likely enjoy Tael’s take on a world just out of reach of our own.  The author is a huge pop culture appreciator as well, and it blends well into her writing.  If you pick up Chaos (un)Controlled, you won’t be disappointed.  Why not check it out on Amazon today?

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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