Road to Recovery

Good afternoon everyone!

Though it may seem that the failing Kickstarter was a signifigant nail in my proverbial coffin, I can assure you, that is not the case.  Tellest has dealt with much worse obstacles over the past thirteen years (not the least being my first few years of “writing”).  If the only problem the world must endure is a lack of financial resources, we’ll be just fine.

In the hands of my able editor, I’m assuming the book will be completed by the end of July.  I cut a massive amount of first draft, and I think it leaves you with a much finer taste of what’s going on.  It may be my best work to date.

At this point, though there are some administrative efforts that need to be ironed out with The Enemy Within, I’m essentially done with the Child of the Stars trilogy.  I’ve never been one to rest once a project is done, however.  This completed task has been no different.

I’m currently working on three different stories going forward. 

One of the projects is a novella, which I’ll release here, and on the website in a weekly episodic format.  As the weeks go by, I’ll slowly start to remove the chapters from the web, in preparation of a more financially sound release.  In 2014 (or perhaps 2013, if things move quickly enough), I’ll release the trilogy in one cost-effective package, with the novella as an added bonus.  Or, if you’ve already been a supporter of the Tellest books, you’ll be able to pick up the novella as a standalone item.

Additionally, two more projects have taken shape.  When they are finished and edited, I’ll release them here in a similar format to the novella.  These will be short stories, however.  You haven’t met the main focus of one of the stories, but I can reveal that Adelia Kreegan is the focus of the second story.

Kev and I have discussed the concept of expanding the brand, and what we’d like to do is try and make a series of these short stories available for purchase eventually.  If my writing pace is anything to go by, we’re likely looking at a 2014 release for a collection of ten of the tales. 

We may acquire other storytellers along the way, in many different formats (writers, comic book artists, musicians) – if you’re interested in the world of Tellest, let me know.  I want to turn Tellest into a medieval Marvel eventually, and that means expansion.

For now, sit tight.  I’ll let you know definitively in the next few weeks when The Enemy Within will be released.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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