Rings of Power Fantasy Giveaway

Greetings travelers, and welcome to a special Saturday stop in the Otherworld.  We’re actually gazing into a portal into the multiverse today, because we’re bringing word of a special contest to you.  You might be familiar with this sort of thing, as I’ve run similar contests in the past.  But this one is a cool one that is leaning on the popularity of the new Rings of Power show (which I absolutely adore).

I’ve joined forces with Reign Of Reads and 10 other Bestselling Fantasy Authors to bring you an amazing LOTR: Rings Of Power giveaway! The best part? EVERYONE WINS!  That’s the sort of contest I like, where everybody has a good time.  These eleven books all look spectacular, and as a site administrator for fantasy who loves to spread the word, I couldn’t wait to share this with you.

Remember, everyone who enters will automatically receive all 11 fantasy books FREE!  And one lucky winner will also get a LOTR Battle For Middle Earth card game. How cool is that?  All you have to do is use this link to head to the contest page, and give your name and email.  It’s simple, it’s easy, and you’ll get some great fantasy for it!

Let me know if you want me to reach out to any of the authors in this collection regarding promos and interviews, and we’ll see what we can do!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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