New Artist Commissioned

We’d like to introduce to the world of Tellest a relatively new artist that is making a huge impact on the art community. Some fear he may even take the jobs of other artists. Alaister Ignatious is open to commissions of all kinds and can adapt to the style of any artist. Working with him has been an interesting process and learning experience.
Sometimes I have to tell him multiple times, in different ways, exactly what I’m looking for before he gets it right. And while the results are often interesting and surprising, he might think too far outside the box.
With Alaister you truly get what you pay for, however. His premium work far exceeds the quality he will do for free. And for some reason he really struggles with the concept of “hands.”
Hmmm… perhaps we won’t be using Alaister Ignatious after all. He’s not very reliable, but could be useful for general concept art. If you’re interested in working with Alastair Ignatious, he uses his initials professionally instead of his full name. Here’s some of his work below for reference.
Here’s another take on a wizard that he’s done that isn’t terrible.
I mean, it’s not good either, but it’s better than ol’ Sorcerer Crab-hands up there.
As you may know, we also have a lot of dragon types in the Tellest universe, and Alaister Ignatious gave us his take on fairy dragons, as you can see here:
Now, one of the things that we really wanted to make sure Alaister could help us with was some of our more popular characters.  So you’ll see them below as well.

I’m especially impressed by the notion that Adelia could use three hands and two staves.  Very clever thinking by this artist.  But he ended up thinking even farther outside the box.

We’ve never gone this route with our characters before.  Adelia with two staves is impressive.  But Venathryn with two bows?  Unheard of, and absolutely impressive!

Now, one thing Alaister had some trouble with was a character that dies a lot.  Poor Bixby just never seems to catch a break in AI’s hands, and ends up staying dead, instead of reconstituting and coming back into the world.

Finally, we have some very interesting takes on Dirk, our werewolf character.  Alaister finds interesting ways to bring our werewolf to life, from having his weapon of choice (whatever that is at the time) sort of hover in midair, or even extend from the crotch area, as it does for every great warrior.
Well, I think that AI still has a long way to go, but we’re happy for the attempts that he made.  We probably won’t be using AI for quite some time, so no one has to be uncomfortable!
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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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