Monthly Writing Prompts

Ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to offer up the first official contest for and from Tellest.  Every month, starting on the 15th, we are going to stage a writing prompt which will run until the 14th of the following month.  On the 15th, the Tellest Council will vote on their favorite entry, and the winner will get their choice of kindle ebook from the amazon store (up to $5).  It doesn’t even have to be within the Tellest series.  The winner will also have their work featured on the Tellest website, and we will potentially expand on whatever you write (or even ask you to do it for us!).  The official rules are below, but your goal will be to write about the prompt within the world of Tellest (click on the link to see a basis for the world, and check out the books of the brand for more information).


For this month, we’d like to lean on the time of year.  A lot of fantasy focuses on tragedy and conflict, but we often forget that even in the darkest of times, there can be cause to rejoice.  In 1,500 words or less, create a holiday for Tellest from scratch.  It can be something that any race would celebrate, and it can be as jovial or as dark as you prefer.


Our submission preference is Google Docs, but we want you to be comfortable.  As long as we can read whatever you submit, and it doesn’t cause any unwanted viruses, we’ll accommodate you!


Official Rules

  1. One Winner will be chosen on the 15th of the month following the start of the contest.
  2. By submitting your prompt, you agree that, if selected as the monthly winner, you will be willing to sign an agreement to keep your work exclusive to Tellest and where failure to agree will exclude you from the monthly prize.  The agreement will also allow writers for Tellest to further develop on the ideas, characters, places and events featured in your submission.
  3. Prize includes the winner’s choice of one (1) kindle ebook on amazon’s store, with a cost up to $5.  This does not necessarily have to be a Tellest branded book.  Also includes a featured spot on the Tellest website for at least a month following the close of the monthly contest.
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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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