Horror Book Promo – Death of the Body

We’ve got a new treat for you today, in the form of a Horror book promotion for a real up-and-comer.  Rick Chiantaretto has developed a truly interesting story about a return from death.  His Crossing Death series has expanded, with the second book releasing this month, to high appraise already.  And with a fan base as fervent as his, you know it’s a story worth paying attention to.



I grew up in a world of magic. By the time I was ten I understood nature, talked to the trees, and listened to the wind. When the kingdom of men conquered my town, I was murdered by one of my own—the betrayer of my kind. But I didn’t stay dead.

I woke to find myself in a strange new world called Los Angeles. The only keys to the life I remembered were my father’s ring, my unique abilities, and the onslaught of demons that seemed hell-bent on finding me. Now I must learn who I really am, protect my friends, get the girl, and find my way back to my beloved hometown of Orenda.


This is the kind of book that speaks to me – it’s magical, intense and mysterious.  Rick’s first book in the Crossing Death series, which is currently free, can be found on Amazon, here.  You can also find out more about Rick and his books on his website.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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