Graphic Novel Promo – Gifts from the Sacred Warrior

Hello folks, and welcome to another trip to the Otherworld.  Today, we’re actually taking a look at a project that is live on Kickstarter as of today, and it could use help from you, an enlightened and enthusiastic backer.  If you’re interested in a sci-fi graphic novel that draws on astrology to tell its stories, you’re in for a treat.

Coming to you from the mind of Iami Breaux, and illustrator Alexander Santer, a native Ukrainian, Gifts from the Sacred Warrior is a beautiful and exciting graphic novel adventure about people taking destiny into their own hands by training the champions meant to bring humanity into the next age.  Breaux and Santer bring this project to life in haunting beauty, whether its the artwork, or the wonderful prose layered beneath.  This set of one dozen tales will be sure to stoke the imagination of anyone who dreams of seeing life beyond the stars, as well as humanity’s journey toward the future.

Gifts from the Sacred Warrior is a sci-fi, graphic novel comprised of 12 inter-connected stories based on astrology. While the main characters are plagued by conspiracies of corruption, war and nefarious organizations, at its core, Gifts from the Sacred Warrior is a commemoration to the inner child. Imagine if you go back in time to the moment that shattered your dreams. If you knew then what you know now, how would you respond?  This book features practical holistic healing rituals to transcend adverse distractions and harness the super abilities that lie on the other side of self-realization.

On the Kickstarter side, Breaux ensures that there is a plethora of goodies to amass, from copies of the book, to prints of the artwork, and beyond.  Even when the project finds its funding, there are also stretch goals planned, which almost every backer level will have access to.  This duo and the rest of their team are a force to watch out for, so do be sure to keep an eye open for the campaign as it makes it way forward, collecting one new backer after another on its road to release.  Check out the Kickstarter for Gifts from the Sacred Warriors, which is now live!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.