Fantasy Promo – A Deathful Peace

Welcome, everyone, to our first Otherworld visit of the New Year! We’re so excited for another year of seeing amazing works from other authors, and we’ve got a great one to start you off with.

Today’s stop is in the Kingdom of Adur, where the end of the world has been heralded.  The king calls for his greatest champion, but that champion is not satisfied to return to a life of heroics.  David W. Clary writes this uncharacteristic tale with a wonderful voice.  He tells fantasy the way you might have remembered it before the new millennium ticked over.  And though this first book is a quick read, it speaks volumes of how much of the world is left to explore.

The end of the world is coming. So says a young priestess, who has come to Tel Adur in search of a champion. Kreegan D’uarr is the champion she’s looking for, but he’s been out of the hero business for as long as she’s been alive. If he’s too old, bitter, and angry to save the world, who will?

Piers Anthony says about A Deathful Peace:
“I have no idea who David Clary is, and I haven’t read A Deathful Place. But I know his type: he has a dream. That makes him one of us. My dream was long ago, and it finally came true. David’s dream is now, and you can help him realize it simply by buying and reading his book. Why should you pass up an opportunity like that?”

There is no better time than right now to pick up the first book in this series.  While it and its sequels are always affordable, it’s especially affordable today—you can’t beat free!  If this sword and board fantasy seems like it would be up your alley, head over to Amazon and pick it up today!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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