Fantasy Promo – The Avant Champion: Rising

2018 has been a roaring success for the written word—for Tellest and for the other amazing authors who bring their own worlds to life.  While we’ve been putting together new short stories and a huge new novel set to release next week, we have been consistently seeing new material from our favorite authors, old and new.

One of those authors who is new to us is C.B. Samet, but if you catch a glance of her work, you’d be forgiven if you thought she’d been here the whole time.  Samet is another one of those incredibly diligent storytellers who came onto the scene and within months had a catalog that truly impresses.  Today, we’re going to be showing you her debut fantasy novel, The Avant Champion: Rising.  Filled with adventure and intrigue, romance and a little bit of heartache, this book sure is a page-turner.  It helps that lead character Abigail is so endearing.

This Evvy award-winning fantasy is definitely worth a look.  Check out the gorgeous artwork and intriguing blurb below.

When Marrington Castle is overtaken by a dark and ancient evil, Abigail Cross finds herself in the precarious situation of protecting Queen Rachel the Fourth. Her journey to safety transforms into a journey to save Queen and country. Charged with finding the artifacts to raise The Champion to defeat Evil, Abigail finds herself perilously traversing the continent from the deafening waterfalls of Aithos to the scorching heat of the Optato Dessert to the freezing fog of Mount Karn. She must find the help to unite the kingdom and summon The Avant Champion to save them all.

With clever writing, a page-turning story, and a lot of heart, The Avant Champion is an excellent tale you won’t want to pass up on.  Some even better news is that Samet has already published the follow-up.  This award-winning author is definitely one you’ll want to keep your eye on.  Why not start off by checking out The Avant Champion: Rising on Amazon today?

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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