Fantasy Book Promo – The Dream Walker

We have been getting tons of book promos ready for fans lately, including those that steer more toward the supernatural, and those with more poetic tastes.  Today, we return to true form with a book, nay, a series that has fantasy at its heart, by Michelle Murray.  This particular series, Land of Mystica, is geared more toward teens and tweens (back in my day, they were just called pre-teens), but it really is a good enough read that any fan of fantasy could enjoy it.




Miranda is an ordinary college girl, until she starts having dreams of Mystica. On Mystica, the wizards have been trapped in stones for centuries.

Read about the Legend of the Wizards.

Now, one curious boy has found one of these stones and released one of the dark wizards on Mystica. Midnight is loose and preparing for war. He gathers an army and wages destruction on his path to take over Mystica. Miranda travels to Mystica to find and release the one wizard that can stop Midnight, Lightning. Follow her through Mystica, through the Plains, Ice Caves, Forest of the Lost, and the Dragon’s Lair.


Murray does an excellent job of crafting something enjoyable, and before you know it, you’ve flipped through all the pages, and have to look for more.  Luckily, her second volume is out as well.  Get the first here.  And don’t forget to check out the series on its Facebook page.  Here’s hoping for more from this great author!


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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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