Fantasy Book Promo – Anais of Brightshire

Every now and then you get to step closer to greatness, and in my case, I’m working with Jamie Wilson to promote the first book of her series, Blood Mage Chronicles.  Anais of Brightshire is the beginning of an excellent coming-of-age story that explores what happens when curiosity and magic mix.  Anais is a wonderful character, and she meets up with a small ensemble that you’ll grow to love as well. Best of all, this first story in the volume, while short, is free.



Anais, the eleven-year-old daughter of a fishmonger, enters the Great House of Brightshire as a scullery maid. Isolated from her peers, she fears a life of solitude and menial chores. The only person who shows her any kindness is a scribe, who offers to teach her how to read in exchange for her help in acquiring goods at fair prices in the market. When she discovers a manuscript describing the art of magic on a routine trip to the market, she can’t help but feel tempted to try it, even though magic is strictly prohibited. Giving in to temptation, she starts spending her hours practicing simple spells for her own amusement, but when one of the girls from the kitchens goes missing – amidst rumors of monsters rising in the south and devouring townspeople – Anais decides to use her new skills to find the missing girl. In her search, she befriends the Lord of Brightshire’s youngest son, Cedric, and his cousin Mediera. Finally having friends she cares for is great, but practicing illegal magic and fraternizing with those above her station puts Anais in more danger than she can handle.


Jamie Wilson shows her stripes as an author with the amount of work that she’s delivered recently.  If you’re looking for a story that will introduce you to a great new fantasy series, you need look no further.  Check our the first book, Anais of Brightshire, here.  And whe you’re ready to find out more about Wilson, do look at her website as well.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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