Character Art – Zoe Hart

Hey folks.

We’ve got an awesome treat for you today.  Barnswallow, who we’ve worked with before, has done up some awesome new characters for us.  And I do mean new.  These characters have either barely been shown in our art gallery, or this is their big debut.

We start with Zoe Hart, our second generation hero.

Zoe dark sketch 1

In our sketch, you can see Zoe is taking what is probably a much deserved break in the city of Atalatha.  We never really talk about what happens between books, but we consider Zoe a “street level” hero, in that she probably helps to keep people safe even when she’s not involved in cataclysm level events.

Zoe Complete

here you can see a little better our heroine’s attire and weapon choices.  She’s got a very playful style, and even when she’s in trouble beyond her beliefs, she’s willing to give it her all and be optomistic.


Don’t forget to check back every Thursday for more art from the world of Tellest!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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