Character Art – Kunal Johar

Hey there folks.  I have got a pretty cool treat for you today, and I hope you enjoy it.  A while back, I wrote a little story called Remembered in Gold.  It may have seemed like a one-off story, but it was always my intent, as I was writing it, for the people of Lakmari to get a bit more of a chance to shine.  At the time, I knew that Sesha, Param and even Sazim were going to be seen in other tales.  But one of the things I was content to keep a little close to my chest was what was happening to the star character of the tale, Kunal Johar.  Well, together with Dennis Kessel, I’m finally able to show you how the young fellow escapes his fate.

Right off the bat, we were given some possible poses to choose from.  We thought the flexing idea was the one to go with, especially considering Kunal’s new lease on life.

Then, we move on, as we usually do, to a sketch of the character.  With Kunal, we knew that we were exploring the idea of him growing to be able to control his power.  As such, he has a little bit of fun with it.  Here, Kunal flexes and poses, turning to gold in this form.

Dennis moved forward into the next step, showing us an awesome, cleaned up version of Kunal that demonstrates all the details we would see in the final piece.  You still can’t quite see where the gold is going to go, making the anticipation palpable.

Whoops.  Our poor Lakmari resident up and lost his head.  Dennis goes through a lot of iterations to make our characters as good as they can be, and in this case, he really went some extra steps with Kunal!

Still a bit bottom-heavy thanks to his missing cranium, Dennis moved us onto some color schemes.  I like Kunal because he takes us a bit out of our familiar landscapes.  Lakmari and Lustra as a whole lets us explore new environments, new attire, and more.

Here you can see the final look of our gold-transforming hero.  Here, we can see the gold in place, finally showing off Kunal’s awesome power.

We also have a neat depiction of how the piece progressed. Click on the image below to see the stages of Kunal Johar being brought to life.

We’ll be back in a few weeks with another piece from Dennis that is truly near and dear to me.  Until then, enjoy whatever fantasies come your way!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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