Character Art – Kiirta

Good morning everyone!  We’ve got a special treat for you today, courtesy of Rigrena.  For the most part, when we’re commissioning artwork for Tellest, it’s of characters who are established in the books.  That’s not the case with today’s piece, which was offered up to one of our artists as a challenge.  She wanted to create a new character within the confines of the Tellest universe, and I thought that was an awesome idea.  We narrowed down the character to sex and race, and after that, we figured out a plan for how she could fit in with the greater world that’s already been established.

Enter Kiirta, the daughter of Awake‘s Giirtu.

Since Giirtu was imprisoned after what he did to the elves and the human settlement in the book he appeared in, Kiirta has made it her mission to find her father and rescue him.

I love that Rigrena made this character her own, and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to make that same deal with our other artists as well.  Kiirta has a lot of potential in the future of Tellest, and I’m looking forward to seeing what I can do with her.

Here you have the full version of this character, with a gorgeous backdrop ahead of her.  I hope you liked this take on the character.  Thanks so much, Riggie!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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