Character Art – Kaos Kreegan

Hi there everyone!  We’re knee deep in Kickstarter right now, but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you.  We still have a ton of content to talk about, and we’re not going to let our campaign get in the way of that.

And what better way to celebrate where we’re going than to look at where we’ve been?  Today, we’re happy to show off the original Tellest hero; the guy that started it all: Kaos Kreegan.

Kaos Desaturated

I clearly have a soft spot in my heart for Kaos.  In our interview, I admitted that he’s kind of a straw man—he’s a morally white character who has values and a personality that I would personally aspire to.  Which is why I have to break him.

In this first draft picture, you can see that Hozure did us a solid and gave us the awesome flaming sword, Wildfire.  Maybe this is at the hind end of the trilogy where he made his debut.

Kaos Transparent

We follow up with a beautiful color version of the piece.  Kaos means business here, and he’s ready to tackle whatever odds are before him.  One of the things that Hozure is excelling at is different textures.  You can see that by looking at the various components of Kaos’ outfit.

Kaos Background

Finally, we get the piece with a background and a little under-piece that gives everything a little more presence.

We’re looking forward to showing off more of the heroes of the original trilogy throughout the year, but we’ve got a new hero that we’re showing off next week!  Stay tuned!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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