Character Art – Icarus

Howdy folks!  A while back, we introduced a new artist who is helping us fill out our catalog.  Lee Jun is specifically doing work for us to give our characters some much needed portraits.  Today, we’re showing off another of her creations.

Jun started us off with a nice sketch of the character.  We wanted to give her someone who had a different style of clothing than Azura, her previous one, and we also wanted to see what she would do with a male character.  I’d say even from the sketch, we were confident!

Once the details were in place, we were very happy with what we saw.  It’s interesting to see another close-up of Icarus, because we’ve seen him only in a few instances.  This is what I envision a young Icarus, post-The Fall looks like.

And here you have the final piece!  Thank you once again to Lee Jun for her amazing work.  We are beyond impressed, and are excited to keep up this cooperation!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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