Character Art – Emmett and Angus

Hey there folks.  Today we’ve got a special treat for you in the form of a set of characters who haven’t quite had their chance in the spotlight yet.  Emmett and Angus are a pair of characters that had a chance of getting their own tales thanks to the Tellest Legends Kickstarter we ran last year.  Unfortunately, we ran just a little under their stretch goal.  That’s not to say we’re giving up on them.  We just need to get around our other goals first.  Still, that’s no reason not to show off the characters right now!


As always with Hozure’s collabs, we started off with some sketches. You’ll see here that our characters are a man and a dog.  This is the first time we’ve had a pup done up (not including Dirk, mind you).

We chose to go with something a little more stoic than runny or playful.  Emmett is a proper highlander—not an immortal who is going to behead you, but someone from the highland, that is.  He’s got a very gaelic look to him, and Angus is always by his side.

After some more details, our heroes were complete.  I love the layers/tufts on Angus, and Emmett’s gear and outfit are fantastic. Hozure really outdid himself here.

A nice background makes it pop that much more.  Here’s to hoping we get to see these two in their own story soon enough.  We’re just about halfway done with the books we committed to last year.  Then it’ll be time to start some new tales!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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