Character Art – Azura

Hello folks!  We’ve got a quick, bite-sized treat for you today.  It has been over a year since we’ve had the opportunity to show off some of the work we did with Barnswallow.  Today, she’s doing a character debut for us.

Azura is a character that was introduced way back in the first iteration of my debut novel, when I was seventeen.  A lot has changed since that original write-up, and a lot is changing still.  But the look I’ve had for her in my head has never really changed.

Azura is classy and mysterious, and she’s been a figure in Kaos Kreegan’s life before.  There are definitely going to be some twists and turns in her story going forward.  She deserves a bigger role in the world of Tellest, and we’re going to make sure she gets it.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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