Character Art – Azura

Hey there folks.  It has been a while now since we’ve introduced a new artist to the Tellest catalog, but today we’re making up for that.  With RedPear incredibly busy with her day job, we needed someone to step up and put together our portraits for us.  We found a great artist in Lee Jun, who picked up a trio of characters for us that were originally going to go to RedPear.  Come check out the first one, the mysterious Azura.

Jun started us off with a sketch of the character.  Out of all the characters we have, Azura is probably not the one we should have started Jun off with, mostly because she’s very modern looking.  But with the follow-ups that we’ll be showing in the future, we’ve proven that Jun definitely does a great job with fantasy work.

This black and white version of Azura almost makes her look like she’s getting a glamour shot!  She looks gorgeous, which really is accurate for the character.  Azura is mostly a diplomat, not a warrior, so she should have an almost unrivaled beauty.

Here you can see the full version of the piece.  Azura has never looked better!  Once again, we’d like to thank Lee Jun, and welcome her aboard.  It’s going to be great to have her talents helping out the Tellest catalog.  Keep your eyes peeled here for her next piece in a few weeks.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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