Character Art – Anson

So, I don’t know if you know this, but I’m borderline OCD.  I like things a very specific way, and when I go out of my comfort zone and find a new way to do things that I enjoy, I then get kind of locked into doing that kind of thing as well.  I’m sure for some of my artists, that can be kind of boring.

When Hozure asked to try something a little different with one of my characters, I was all about it.  We threw bard-turned-general, Anson Fysis, to the wolves:

These looked like Yoshitaka Amano sketches from Final Fantasy VI.  I liked the concept of a few different outfit choices, which we didn’t usually have before.  Now I can’t get the idea of Anson and two buddies who all roam around like minstrels in these three outfits.

After that came a sketch that showed Anson in a bit more of a pose with the chosen outfit we gave him.

Finally, here you have Anson Fysis in all his glory.  Hozure did an excellent job, as always, and he took us on a different journey to reach the end.  Well done!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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