Character Art – Adelia

Hey there!  I’ve been following a ton of artists on DeviantArt for as long as I’ve been getting art done for the world of Tellest, and the list of those I watch goes up every week.  I’m always on the lookout for a new collaboration, and when the stars align, sometimes I end up picking up a quick few commissions from folks.  That’s how I ended up working with Avionetca, who offered a deal I couldn’t refuse.

We pitched her two magic characters, and you’ll see her take on the first, Adelia, today.  It’s just a quick one, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it nonetheless!

Here’s a quick black and white look at the character.  You can see we revisited one of the more popular designs for her outfit.  She’s also playing with a bit of ice magic.

Of course, the full color version is not to be missed.  Even the background feels more vibrant with all the little snowflake designs behind Adelia.

As I said, today’s was a quick little piece, but we’ll be back in another few weeks with another magic character done in Avionetca’s style!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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