Art: Zoe by June Jenssen, part one

Man do we have a good one for you today.  This is going to be one of your favorite pieces of art, for sure.  We were recently able to begin courting a new artist for Tellest.  In this particular case, the ever talented June Jenssen.  She also started with a character that hadn’t been drawn up for us before: Zoe Hart, the daughter of Randall Hart.

Zoe is important to the overall Tellest saga for a few different reasons.  First and foremost, yes, she’s the daughter of a legendary hero.  That hero’s blood means that she’s got a lot of spunk and moxie, but the talent to back it up as well.  She’s also the love interest of a fan favorite, the bulletproof gladiator, David Garus.

Leading into the next big series, she’s going to be playing a much bigger role.  With that in mind, we knew that we needed to get some interpretations of her, and June delivered in a big way.

As always, we were prepared with a sketch of the character.


This particular sketch shows the outfit and the weapon of choice, Zoe’s sai (she has two, but this portrait only shows the one).

After that, June slapped a little bit of color onto the canvas.


The material is starting to come together by this point, and you can see a lot more of the features clearly.



This was the last phase of the work before a big change.  She’s beautifully colored at this point, but we wanted to change from the tint that we had from our reference picture.  At about halfway done, though, June had already made her mark in a big way.

Stay tuned over the next couple weeks for the follow up to this post. 3She did an even more amazing job with the completed image!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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