Art: Venathryn

It’s about time we’ve got another look at Venathryn, who we haven’t seen since the middle of last month.  We’ve got an excellent piece that we collaborated with Bea Gonzalez on, though, and that makes it more than worth the wait.  It’s a quick one today, with Bea making the most of her time and delivering a final piece with very little necessary followup.

As always, we started with a sketch of the character.  Once again, Bea’s version of the character has this lovely bohemian quality to it.


Venathryn Sketch


Venathryn looks, in this instance, like someone who has seen much of the world.  She’s a traveler, which is perfect for someone of her abilities.

After that, Bea hit us with the final piece.  It’s a dizzying haymaker to be sure, a one-two punch that laid us out with how gorgeous it was.


Venathryn Complete


I love Bea’s style.  It captures character in a lot of way that you wouldn’t typically guess.  Even the background that she chose is so expressive.  We’ve got one more work coming from Bea (hopefully in the near future), so be on the lookout!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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