Art: The Fall Cover

It’s been a long time since we showed you the cover of one of the longer stories.  And while we’re not actually done with the tale just yet, I think it’s time to share the final piece of the novellas that we set out to release last year.

We knew that we needed to get Leo to finish up the fifth cover, so we reached out to him, and told him the gist of the story, that The Fall was essentially a fantasy retelling of the myth of Icarus.  There were some incongruities between the old legend, and what is written in Tellest lore (AKA the truth).

So Leo gave us two versions of the cover to work with at first.



This one would show our protagonist’s back, and the foe that he would face.  We’ve got a lot of these so far, so we decided to switch it up, and go with the second option.





I think this version made things look a lot more heroic.  We decided to show Icarus approaching the enemy, doing everything he can to stop the cataclysmic event of the story.





Things changed a tiny little bit, and we also added some background materials.  The floating islands in the background help to lead us to the idea of where exactly we are in our fantasy realm, and the crystal is a nice touch too.  It’s imperative to the actual story.





I’m showing this one because it is a fun little addition – you rarely get to see the interim stages of art where certain components aren’t in place yet.  In this instance, our poor antagonist doesn’t have his head!  You can also see a couple more minor changes.





And here’s the final piece we arrived at.  I hope you like it.  Leo did an excellent job on all five novellas, and I think this was a great way to wrap up the Tales of Tellest.  Stay tuned in the next few weeks for the conclusion of The Fall!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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