Art: Maximus Figurine by Skence

Well now, we’re about to wrap up a segment!  It’s always a little bittersweet when our time with an artist runs out.  On one hand, we managed to get a lot of impressive work out of them.  On the other one, sometimes we don’t know when we’ll have the opportunity to work with them again.  In this case, we already have some cool ideas to run with as it pertains to Skence, but we’ll have to save that for later in the year.

As for now, we’ll finish up this segment with his (in my opinion) most impressive piece for us: Maximus and Equinicus.

Maximus Sketches


Skence started off with some sketches, (including that really funny one right above #5).

Maximus Black and White


After that, we moved on to a black and white sketch of the duo. Rhianna’s painting served as an inspiration for the clockwork steed, and he did a pretty cool job of capturing it.

Maximus Complete


Finally, Skence added some color to it.  Obviously, this Maximus is older, but he preserved a lot of the color from the cover from The Tinker’s Tale that Leo so lovingly crafted.  I was very happy with this final piece.  Skence did an awesome job.  Cross your fingers for more collaborations with him in the future!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.