Art: Lyla by Barn-swallow

Hi there folks!

We’re very happy to announce a collaboration with a new artist today, that being miss Barn-swallow of Deviantart fame.  We started off with one of our lady heroes, and Barn-swallow proved to us that our faith in her was not unfounded.

Lyla 1 Dark

You can’t see much there in its small form, but that’s the sketch of Lyla Brenna.  Right now, it doesn’t seem like much unless you squint your eyes and hold your head real close to your screen, but check this out:

Lyla Complete

Whoa!  Now that’s pretty darn impressive.  For a first collaboration, Barn-swallow pulled out every single one of the stops.  Look at the layering and the material that went into the clothing.  Lyla has never looked more spectacular, and this led us to commission Barn-swallow even more.  Keep your eyes peeled for more from this awesome artist!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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