Anime Character Art – Shiro

Greetings, travelers!  We’re going to be taking a look at one of the characters that has not yet graced her own Tellest story, but for whom we’ve already had art commissioned.  Shiro is a character that we created to serve as the first real comic character in the Tellest universe, but she hasn’t had her chance to shine quite yet.  While barn-swallow created the first version of Shiro, we teamed up with Netamix to bring her to life in an anime style.

In this first picture below, you can see the black and white foundation of the character.  It’s here that you can see the way we pursued the “celestial glass” that Shiro is able to summon is quite different than the way that we saw it for her barn-swallow art.

Netamix did a wonderful job tweaking the magical talents of the character in a way that was clever and still allowed Shiro to pop.  The glass obscures the colors behind just a bit, and leaves the piece feeling very dynamic.  We did notice one tiny thing that we wanted to change, and that was the stocking on her foot.

Shiro’s shoe and her stocking looked so much like her dress, we wanted to change that up just so that it had a starker contrast.  It was one of those things that was so small, but ended up making a striking difference.

We’re very happy with what Netamix was able to accomplish with this piece of art.  Shiro looks great in this form, and we’re happy to be able to see her through another lens.  Here’s to hoping for more great collaborations with Netamix in the future!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.