A Big Week

Hello fans of fantasy.  This is a big week for us here at Tellest, because we’re moving forward with two very interesting campaigns.

First up, tomorrow we’re going to begin posting serialized content on our website.  Mageborn is going to run for eight weeks, and then it will release on Amazon kindle, if you’d like to help support this kind of release style.  The stories will also be releasing on Wattpad with a one week stagger – Tellest.com will still be the place to go first if you’re looking for our stories when they release.

The other big news is that we’re going to be releasing a Kickstarter alongside the start of this serialized fiction movement.  We’re offering some very nice, personalized rewards, and you can help to bring the Tellest stories to everyone to boot.  If the Kickstarter performs well, we’ve got some gears in motion behind the scenes that will allow us to reveal some interesting collaborations more quickly than we had anticipated.

It will be a busy week, and likely an even busier month, but I’m happy to be bringing new stories to you, and a new way to see Tellest.

As always, thank you so much for your interest.  Hope everyone’s New Year is starting off great!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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