Historical Fantasy Promo – The Wonderland Series by Lory La Selva Paduano

It’s not very often that we get many nods to the public domain here from the Otherworld.  But there are countless stories that have stood the test of time that can be revisited in an infinite number of ways, from Snow White, to Cinderella, to Pinocchio and the Wizard of Oz.  These classics have seen release after release with new and awesome hooks, so it’s no wonder that people keep venturing forth with their own take on the old stories.

Lory La Selva Paduano has done just that with another classic, but this isn’t Alice’s wonderland.  Her Wonderland Series has recently released as one collection, with the paperback set coming soon. Eschewing the idea of telling a more familiar tale with some stale twists, La Selva Paduano’s Wonderland takes on a life all its own. With an abundance of interesting characters and a vastly built world, this bundle is sure to grab your attention early and keep it in its grasp.

Lory La Selva Paduano Wonderland

Dare to enter a world of Historical – Fantasy that is action packed, gut wrenching, startling and wondrous?

From start to finish, this “three books in one” series will have you at the edge of your seat. Featuring “Adira” our main character, who no doubt, will capture the hearts of many throughout all three books. Camden Burrows, our military general, who finds his destiny along the way and many others who will grip you tightly and never let go.

Questing to lands of the unknown, the Queen of all Queens, faces new challenges and becomes the King maker and so much more. Trouble seems to find a permanent home for our Highborns, and they must learn to live with it or parish forever.


The Wonderland Series has charmed a lot of people already, and no doubt it’ll grip you as well if you decide to pick it up.  It’s available in ebook format at Amazon.  But don’t forget, it’s coming out in paperback soon too!  La Selva Paduano has also got her own website that you should check—it has all the information on her other books—as well as her Facebook fan page.  She’s made some great friends along the way, and we hope we’re added to that list!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.