otherworld Archives | Tellest The World is in Your Hands Thu, 30 May 2024 10:31:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://tellest.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/cropped-Tellest-Favicon-1-32x32.png otherworld Archives | Tellest 32 32 28342714 Sci-Fi Promo – Born in Space: Unlocking Destiny (Sci-Fi Galaxy Book 1) https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-born-in-space-unlocking-destiny-sci-fi-galaxy-book-1/ https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-born-in-space-unlocking-destiny-sci-fi-galaxy-book-1/#comments Thu, 30 May 2024 10:30:06 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=88673 Greetings travelers!  It’s been a little while, and I hope that you had a lovely long weekend.  We’re back today with a trip across the stars, amongst the Otherworld.  Our newest promo takes us to a version of our galaxy where everything is at stake, but it all comes down to a special kind of […]

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Greetings travelers!  It’s been a little while, and I hope that you had a lovely long weekend.  We’re back today with a trip across the stars, amongst the Otherworld.  Our newest promo takes us to a version of our galaxy where everything is at stake, but it all comes down to a special kind of love, and the sacrifices one would make—for the good of humanity, and for the good of those closest to us.  If that sounds like something you would be interested in, read on to learn more about Born in Space: Unlocking Destiny (Sci-Fi Galaxy Book 1).

An author with a mind toward what the future could realistically hold for us, Jeremy Clift brings philosophical and ethical questions to the page, and props them up beneath a veneer of tremendous spacefaring spectacle. His first book, Born in Space: Unlocking Destiny (Sci-Fi Galaxy Book 1), is as much a love story as a bombastic sci-fi. Sacrifice and a search for redemption encompass the more intimate pieces of this story, but they live among a grand backdrop that has galaxy-shaking implications. At some points academic-adjacent, Clift’s novel considers real problems that humanity may have to endure, but presents them in ways that are as entertaining as they are harrowing. Born in Space will indeed appeal to fans of sweeping space epics, but even they will likely be drawn to the core philosophical questions and emotional turmoil at hand, rooting for good to win out over greed.

A mother’s desperate fight to reunite with her children, but artificially in a space lab.

When Teagan Ward claims seven test-tube babies—conceived aboard a space habitat as an experiment to populate the stars—are her children, she triggers a fight that consumes all those she loves.

“Born in Space” chronicles a gripping tale of sacrifice, incarceration, and deliverance.

As life on Earth crumbles and the rich seek sanctuary in rotating space habitats, desire and ambition collide as a greedy billionaire mining boss and his scheming doctor seek to exploit the mineral-rich asteroids. The seven children become enmeshed in the battle for interstellar resources, including an ancient crystal that holds the key to unlocking the universe’s mysteries and buying the release of their fugitive mother. As alliances shift and betrayals unfold, the fate of worlds hangs in the balance.

In the tradition of Ray Bradbury and William Gibson, “Born in Space:” is a thought-provoking journey into the depths of space and the human spirit. For fans of “Interstellar” and “2001: A Space Odyssey,” this speculative fiction gem by Jeremy Clift promises an immersive experience like no other.

Appealing to sci-fi enthusiasts and casual speculative fiction enjoyers alike, Born in Space is the kind of story that readers will love, and want to share with others.  It’s a compelling tale with twists that will keep readers on the edges of their seats while they watch as humanity’s fate hangs in the balance, all while a more intimate expression of love takes an interesting spot on center stage.  Clift shows incredible prowess as a first-time author, and he will no doubt demonstrate why he and his work have received such praise since the Born in Space hit shelves.  If this book sounds like it’s something you would be interested in, don’t wait any longer. Check out Born in Space: Unlocking Destiny (Sci-Fi Galaxy Book 1) on Amazon today!

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Second Interview with Aaron Ryan https://tellest.com/second-interview-with-aaron-ryan/ https://tellest.com/second-interview-with-aaron-ryan/#respond Thu, 16 May 2024 10:30:40 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=88581 Welcome, travelers. After a few months, we are making a return stop to a world in the Otherworld that looks like ours, but which has been overcome by terrifying intruders called gorgons. These monstrous aliens can freeze those they hunt in place, making them a fearsome sight—and often the last one people will have before […]

The post Second Interview with Aaron Ryan appeared first on Tellest.

Welcome, travelers. After a few months, we are making a return stop to a world in the Otherworld that looks like ours, but which has been overcome by terrifying intruders called gorgons. These monstrous aliens can freeze those they hunt in place, making them a fearsome sight—and often the last one people will have before they’re cut down.

But Aaron Ryan’s Dissonance: Volume II: Reckoning shows us that gorgons are not the only monsters on Earth, as humanity has always had darkness within them.

We speak to the author in our second interview, to gather up what has happened since we last spoke, and to determine what we can expect as the third book in the trilogy, Dissonance: Volume III: Renegade, hits bookshelves soon.


Tellest: Welcome Back Aaron! Thank you for making your way back here. It’s been a wild ride for you in so short a time, because you’ve got a new book in the Dissonance series out, but you also have one that will be out on May 18th, closing the trilogy. I’m eager to see what your experience has been with this series, how you wrapped up the final chapter, and what’s next for you!

Aaron Ryan: Thanks for the hearty welcome back! Good to be back with you, Tellest. Yeah, it’s been such an incredible journey. I wept when I wrote the last few lines of Dissonance Volume III: Renegade, I truly did. It’s a 431-page behemoth, and it nicely rounds out the trilogy in an EPIC way. Air Force battles, gunfights, standoffs, gorgons, humans, aerial dogfights, naval battles… I mean, it truly has everything, and I’m so proud of how it turned out.

T: While I’m sure it came out looking spectacular, how taxing did it feel when you were writing it? A lot of times those big fight sequences, especially choreographing things so expertly, can be draining. How did you stay ahead of that?

AR: Oh man. Honestly, those types of scenes just get my blood pounding and my fingers flying. The tank scene on the highway and the cave scene in Volume II, the air force base fight and the dogfight in Volume III, the cat-and-mouse between Colonel Keegan and the primary villain (no spoilers) … Those really just get me going so fast and I just let my fingers do the work. I feel alive, intense, alert, and all senses go. I didn’t feel taxed during or after…I felt exhilarated; it was always such a rush!


T: When you are writing scenes like that, do you try to make them quick and punchy, or are you looking for epic, sprawling expressions of combat that can last an extended period of time?

AR: The scene has to tell itself. I mean, in some scenes, the violence is brutally calm. There are many versions of violence. To quote Alanis Morissette: “These versions of violence…Sometimes subtle, sometimes clear…And the ones that go unnoticed…Still leave their mark once disappeared.” That’s so insightful. So, there are some scenes involving verbal combat. Others involve physical combat. Both can be equally powerful. I think in some cases the scenes where two people are trying to outsmart each other, those can be more effective than just typing up a line “I threw a grenade and it detonated.” It depends on how high the stakes are and who you’re rooting for. I just try to let them flow as best as I can and do justice to the tension of the moment without robbing the scene of its integrity.


T: When last we spoke, you had just finished getting Dissonance Volume I: Reality launched and ready for purchase. There are always some jitters when doing something for the first time, but you must have felt like an expert when you were ready to unleash book two. What did you find easier, or different, this time around for Dissonance: Volume II: Reckoning?

AR: Well, there are lots of pitfalls in publishing a book. Choosing the correct categories, writing a catchy blurb, publishing at “the right time”, making sure the cover is correct, more thorough editing, better narration of the audiobook, etc.—all of these things I really wanted to pay attention to in order to ensure a healthier and more robust launch that would be catchy. And, as with Dissonance Volume I: Reality, Dissonance Volume II: Reckoning hit the bestseller #1 mark in a few categories, and that was thoroughly satisfying to see. There are definitely things to pay attention to in terms of packaging and marketing, but when it all comes down to it, the story must come first. It must be superior to what you’ve previously written, it must raise the stakes, and it must propel the protagonist further along their character arc. I love the quote by Vladimir Nabokov: “The writer’s job is to get the main character up a tree, and then once they are up there, throw rocks at them.” How true that is!

T: I had never heard that quote before now, and I absolutely love it. You certainly were doing that in book one, but I suppose in books two and three, you’ve had to find taller and taller trees! How did you elevate the stress for Cameron, and raise the stakes for our world alongside it?

AR: Easy. Take him and put him up in a tree and throw rocks at him. Seriously though, I put him in a claustrophobic tank with a gorgon, in caves with gorgons, in a narrow hallway with a gorgon, in the sky with gorgons, in a cockpit with a gorgon right outside, and all of them flying and swarming around him. It just takes a lot of conjuring up intense predicaments that I can sit my protagonist down into and realize that if I’m scared while I’m writing it, then the audience is probably going to be scared while reading it.


T: Throughout this interview, we’ll learn that you tend to express your feelings alongside the characters, whether that’s empathy for what they’re going through, or fear for what might take them down. With that in mind, do you ever feel or worry about going too rough on any of your characters?

AR: No, not really. Cameron, the main protagonist, is very much like me. He’s cynical, untrusting, brash, opinionated, snarky, and ready to fall on the sword of his own beliefs. Art mirrors life, they say, and so I think I would be doing a disservice to my characters if I didn’t make them as real and tangible as possible, and, where appropriate, true to who I am and how I think/feel/function. For instance, Cameron is not the protagonist in the prequel that I’m now writing (Dissonance Volume Zero: Revelation)—he’s only 7 years old. But you can see some of those same behaviors and personality traits coming out even then through the protagonist of that chapter, his dad, Andrew. It’s actually been super refreshing to write this prequel because characters who died are alive again, they are young, they are adorable, they’re learning and growing, and even though you know the trauma and malevolence that’s coming (which in itself lends to a lot of fear and tension and worry as you draw near to the inevitable invasion), it’s been such a rich experience writing them at a different place and time in their lives.


T: A humongous draw of your series, as we discussed in the last interview, was these creatures that you’ve brought to our world, the gorgons. But as we’re quick to find, they’re not the only threat to deal with, as Cameron soon learns that some monsters are home-grown. What was it like balancing the dangers that come from outside our world to the ones that we’ve come to put our trust in?

AR: Good question. In all cases, the enemy we don’t see is the worst one: operating nefariously behind the scenes, unraveling the yarns we’ve painstakingly raveled, undoing our victories, and eroding our earned confidence in the system. It’s always those who labor against us in whom we had placed a measure of trust that cuts the deepest. Betrayal from a friend stings far more than the enemy’s nuke. Cameron is learning who he can and cannot trust, and he’s taking some painful wounds in the process.

T: Does it get to a point, do you think, that a regular person would just be unable to trust anyone if they were in Cameron’s boots? I mean, we have a cataclysmic event that just terraformed our planet into a feeding trough for alien life, and the people that Cameron works for and with prove time and time again that he might be better off looking for refuge alone out in the wilderness.

AR: I think we have people like that already. But it’s our sense of trust that keeps us in a community. Once you’ve been burned enough, you become a cynic, and the cynics tend to go it alone. But thankfully, there are plenty of people in Cameron’s life still who do foster trust, who do communicate integrity and decency, and keep him on the straight and narrow. It’s oftentimes that we feel so frustrated by the ones that wreck it for everyone that make us want to go Lone Ranger, but when we have compelling voices in our corner, such as Ally, such as Pastor Rosie, such as other new characters introduced in Volumes II and III, that we find the strength to stay in community and fight it out.


T: In the version of the world that Cameron finds himself, how does he allow himself to get close to anyone, knowing that there are such extensive dangers all around them?

AR: The dangers will never go away. It’s instinctual to trust, and Cameron is no exception. Innocent until proven guilty. I know there are anomalies: those who go through life certain that everyone is out to get them, arms-lengthing everyone, sidelong glances at every single other human, and that’s a pitiful and pathetic way to live. Such an existence doesn’t foster community or invite belonging, it only furthers hostility. So, while at first he’s suspicious of Bassett (suspicion not being the same as distrust), he learns that he’s actually okay, and his trust in him is rewarded tenfold. Same with Ally…same with Foxy…same with Cardona…same with Monzon…same with Rosie…same with Stone, eventually.


T: The gorgons are terrifying when we first meet them, but we also need to continue to fear them as the series races forward. In a lot of post-apocalyptic fiction, the catastrophe itself begins to feel secondary to the world the characters have grown comfortable with. But you’ve found ways to keep the terror alive. What are some of the secrets that you can divulge?

AR: Well, in Dissonance Volume III: Renegade our protagonists find themselves in the dark, with gorgons running around. Uh…no thank you. That hits at a primal fear that all of us have: a fear of the dark. I can’t wait to see THAT on screen. It’s going to be epic. And there’s a highway battle in tanks, where a gorgon actually gets inside one of the tanks. Talk about claustrophobia to the power of fear. I knew when writing that scene that a gorgon HAD to actually get in the tank with them. That terrified me in the writing! And there are more that I can’t spoil yet of course. You’ll see. They truly are more and more terrifying, with varying broods being introduced in Volumes II and III.

T: One of the things you’re known for is your ability to vividly describe what your characters are experiencing. And because of the nature of your series, sometimes you must do that with eyes closed. How do you put your spin on the world when you can’t trust one of your most integral senses?

AR: Being deprived of sight, well, that’s one thing… Being deprived of the ability to make any sound as well, well, you truly become handicapped. That’s one thing I really appreciated about A Quiet Place, and how they painstakingly lived an utterly silent life in order to not attract the aliens to themselves. It’s so paralyzing and castrating in a way, to be cut off from everything else because you can’t shout “yay!” or even look at it. Your senses are revoked, and you must make do by feel. Then, to plunge our heroes into Mammoth Cave in Kentucky when they already can’t see, and now they’re in the dark, I felt that would be tremendously effective. It’s also claustrophobic being down in cavern tunnels well below the earth’s surface… You lose all sense of direction, so you’re handicapped in that sense as well.


T: And yet you’ve done so well navigating that handicap as a writer! Sure, your characters are experiencing those hurdles, but you write what they’re going through with an elegance that helps the reader feel what the characters are feeling, but without losing sense of things. Yes, the walls might feel a little closer to them, but it’s still impressive how much you’re able to show with your words.

AR: Thank you! I appreciate that. I think I’m just imagining myself in their shoes, and because of that, it feels relatable. That’s my goal, is to make it relatable for the reader.


T: Dissonance could work just on the premise of its peculiar and scary alien intruders, but it’s also able to be described as a military thriller. How do you keep that machine running under the threat of the monsters, the infighting among the survivors, and the growing scarcity of resources and safe havens?

AR: I think the mechanism speaks for itself here in that the military always survives. Guns always get people out of scary situations for a while, or at least can hold them at bay. Well, at the end of Dissonance Volume I: Reality we find that the military has quietly been building up a presence in the region and now they’re armed with LSTs, tanks, battleships, guns, masks, and a horde of DTF emitters ready to protect them. It gives humanity a fighting chance, and that breeds hope, which is what all of them have craved. They finally have a chance to strike back now.


T: In a perfect world, where at the end of these three books, the marauders from another world are driven off, do we ever find our way back to a normal society? Or is the idea that there is life out there putting an impetus to be strong upon us? Do we forevermore at the point become militaristic in order to persevere against such threats in the future?

AR: I think that’s inevitable. We let our guard down. Many of us would solemnly breathe, “never again.” But I think there’s an inherent sense of unity and coming together that keeps us going. There’s a strong theme of this in Volume III where innocent lives are on the line, but we have nothing in common with them. Do we throw them to the wolves and release them from our care, simply because they’re not like us? No, because our moral compass disallows it, if we have one and if we listen to it. So, we band together, and then we fix things, but yes, this happened once, and it might happen again, so now, all of us working together, we can stay vigilant and hopefully be ready when and if Dissonance Volume IV: Revenge comes around. Oops, spoiler! No, just kidding. I haven’t thought that far into the future, and it would be somewhat anticlimactic, unless there was a savage demand for it by my readership.

T: Hey now, a sequel could be great for fans, but maybe you let it breathe and see what comes of the world you’ve played in. There’s a bigger universe out there than we know, and you introduce a version of it in Dissonance that could go in a fair number of directions!

AR: Thank you! I have LOVED writing this. I actually found myself weeping when I was done with Dissonance Volume III: Renegade. When I had typed up “The End”, it was so much like the scene in Romancing the Stone where the author does the same thing and then exclaims “Oh God that’s good!” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKfKLj9wbrk) – such a true scene. I felt the same way, but I was more sad than happy, because I had worked so hard on the trilogy, it was such an emotional rollercoaster, and I’m SO proud of how it has turned out. I did an enormous amount of research on all three of these novels, exponentially so as they grew in sequence. That research helped me achieve authenticity, and where you have authenticity, you have real. It was wholly real to me because I wanted it to be so. That sense of real lingers, as if I was there myself.


T: Now, let’s shift gears to talk about the third book in the series. You’re close to having a full trilogy on bookshelves, and that’s something that few people get to see come to fruition. First off, how proud are you to have this set completed?

AR: I cannot even begin to describe my pride, or to put it into words. I have had SO much help from people for this book…to say nothing of the fact that the internet is replete with resources like Quora, Reddit, private and governmental websites, YouTube videos, and more, to round out the edges of details I’m not privy to. But it’s been the people who have really come alongside me for Volume III: a 35-year retired aircraft carrier captain, an Army chopper pilot/aviator, two senior Air Force airmen, and a Lt Col in the USAF…all of them have been instrumental in helping me really get the details right here, and that has helped me achieve verisimilitude, which is something I’ve really striven for. It is EPIC, Tellest…it truly is. Had you asked me if I had known that it would grow this large when I was back at Volume I, I would not have been able to forecast how amazingly monstrously this trilogy concludes. It’s EPIC, and I’m not kidding.


T: We’ve woven together some threads throughout our conversation that are leading to some really interesting questions. You mentioned A Quiet Place earlier, and there are certainly some similarities that can be drawn. But it’s this massive warfare opportunity that you have which helps to bridge the gap more toward something like Independence Day.

Do you think that Dissonance could have ever worked from the perspective of a smaller, more intimate tale? Or was it always destined to be big and bombastic, with tremendous stakes and a wide scope?

AR: That’s the way I always intended it to be. I’m very much “go big or go home.” Always has been. I don’t really do anything small. It’s against my programming, ha! I just really wanted an epic showdown, and all the great trilogies have that. The epic space battle in Return of the Jedi. The Battle of the Pelennor Fields in Return of the King. The huge (and rather drawn-out yawnfest, although massive) fight at the end of The Matrix Revolutions (if you liked that movie). All of the greats have them, but I think they also (wisely) incorporate the more intimate battles that are part and parcel of the bigger picture as well. Leia is having a battle against her own urges with Han while they’re fighting the greater battle. She likes him because he’s a scoundrel. So, there you go. I have my own scoundrels in my stories, with their own little intimate battles set in the thick of the greater war.


T: What can you tell people about Dissonance: Volume II: Reckoning that they might not know just from reading the blurbs you’ve provided?

AR: Well, there are wins and losses. There are tales and countertales. There are accounts and corrections, and Cameron constantly has to question what the truth actually is. No one likes being lied to. We want the truth, even if, as Colonel Jessup so eloquently put it in A Few Good Men, we “can’t handle the truth.” We want it. We need it. And Cameron needs and deserves it. He is slowly awakening to some new truths in this book, particularly from a new character who provides a ton of backstory as to how the real nemesis came into place, and that greatly helps him and continues his character arc of pursuing justice vs. revenge.

T: Cameron has the necessary skills to survive what is coming at him, whether it’s the gorgons or humans with ulterior motives. Would a civilian just trying to make it through the day have any chance?

AR: If they had a weapon and some smarts, yes. But overall, system attracts community. Planning attracts optimism. Strategizing attracts hope, and you would need to be at least on the periphery of such community in order to have a chance. You’d need training. You’d need weapons and some marginal militarization in order to understand how to fight back. Otherwise, you freeze in your own shoes, and then you’re frozen, and eaten.


T: So, what I’m hearing is “way scarier than a zombie apocalypse”. Unless you’ve already got some training and a group you can quickly militarize, you’re alien chow.

AR: Potentially. I mean, sure, you can find a place to hide and ride it out. But for sixteen years? Like I said earlier, those who arms-length others and are not in system, community, planning, optimism, or strategizing, well, they eventually lose hope. Some of them resort to desperation, as we saw Amos do in Volume I: Reality. And others would just off themselves, seeing no hope, and giving up long before any flowers of eventual deliverance had a chance to germinate and grow.


T: Now that your trilogy is wrapped up, have you put any more thought into what comes next? We talked a couple of months ago about what the plan would be, and you seemed pretty locked into Dissonance, but there were other ideas scratching at the periphery.

AR: I have! I really wanted to deal with the antihero, and a book on that, but frankly, I didn’t exactly feel “released” to pursue that yet. So, perhaps predictably, since there is so much time that has elapsed between the alien invasion of 2026 and the fast-forward to 2042 that we find in Dissonance Volume I: Reality, it was inevitable that I pursue a prequel. So that’s what I’m working on. And now is the time to disclose another detail: I’ve entered into a contract with a notable screenwriter to convert the first volume, Reality, into a screenplay for pitching to producers with Netflix, Paramount+, Apple TV+, Amazon Prime, etc., and I could not be more grateful or excited. I truly have high hopes and am super optimistic about the future of Dissonance.


T: I’m glad that we get to talk about that! How did you start that process, what’s your relationship like with your screenwriting collaborator, and what else can you tell us about your experience so far?

AR: I did have to vet him online, and he’s vetted. He’s got lots of contacts on LinkedIn, he handles naysayers graciously, he won an award by Gale Ann Hurd (former wife of James Cameron, the producer of Aliens, my favorite movie of all time, so YES PLEASE!!!), he knows what he’s talking about, he’s registered as a Hollywood “fellow” (whatever that means), and he is no BS. I felt confident going into it that he was legitimate, and I’m confident he has the contacts to make it happen. I’m super excited. They approached me, and I really didn’t have to weigh it too much. His cost was right in the middle of what I expected a screenwriter to charge, but he also includes all the marketing in there as well, which is a huge bonus to me and worth the investment, as I don’t have those contacts nor any knowledge on how to approach them. He writes the screenplay AND the treatment, as well as the character bible.

T: You had mentioned that they came to you. What do you think you did right in order to be on the “headhunter” list, besides writing a compelling book series?

AR: I’m not sure, other than maintaining good visibility in the social circles. Ultimately, “ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die,” as Tennyson said! I’ll do and die, thankyouverymuch! I won’t ask questions. Just SO glad they found me!


T: You’ve now got two books out, with the third scheduled for release on May 18th. You’re no doubt going to have a lot of fans clamoring to learn more about the series and its writer. Where could they go to find out these details?

AR: Always love these questions. Thanks! They can visit either https://www.dissonancetheseries.com or www.authoraaronryan.com to find out more about the series, or my authoring, respectively. At the first site, https://www.dissonancetheseries.com, they will find all of the purchase links (Amazon, Kindle, Audible, direct copies, etc.).


T: Aaron, I would like to once again thank you for spending your time with us! It’s always great fun getting to see what you’ve done with this version of the world, and the greater universe, and I’m excited for your new release, and for the future sequel that you’re working on. Best of luck with all your endeavors, and I hope to talk to you again soon!

AR: Thank you SO much for the opportunity to share about this whole story that has so impacted me. I’m beyond grateful for how it turned out. I can’t even begin to express. It has become colossal in its scope, and from the very beginning, putting pen to paper for the first words of Dissonance Volume I: Reality, I had no idea how big it would become. My heart is full.

Thanks again for the interview!


T: And thank you once more, Aaron.

Readers, if you’ve joined us on this journey, you know that the Dissonance series is one that is not to be missed. Aaron Ryan has been working very hard at this content, and by the time you’ve read this interview, it will be ready for consumption. Don’t stay hungry. Be satiated by a great science fiction series, and check out the Dissonance series on the author’s website today!

The post Second Interview with Aaron Ryan appeared first on Tellest.

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Urban Fantasy Promo – STALKED: An Interracial Erotic Paranormal Horror Romance (Adult Content) https://tellest.com/urban-fantasy-promo-stalked-an-interracial-erotic-paranormal-horror-romance-adult-content/ https://tellest.com/urban-fantasy-promo-stalked-an-interracial-erotic-paranormal-horror-romance-adult-content/#comments Tue, 14 May 2024 10:30:20 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=88614 Greetings, travelers, and welcome to another stop in the Otherworld.  It’s rare that we feature much content that we would label “Adult” here in the Otherworld.  In order for it to qualify for promotion, it needs to have literary merit before steamy scenes.  That is, we’re not interested in promoting pornography here, but if there is steam […]

The post Urban Fantasy Promo – STALKED: An Interracial Erotic Paranormal Horror Romance (Adult Content) appeared first on Tellest.

Greetings, travelers, and welcome to another stop in the Otherworld.  It’s rare that we feature much content that we would label “Adult” here in the Otherworld.  In order for it to qualify for promotion, it needs to have literary merit before steamy scenes.  That is, we’re not interested in promoting pornography here, but if there is steam content in the story and it elevates the other elements of the author’s work, we’re more than happy to spread the word (along with some nsfw warnings, where needed).  The good news is that is just what you’ll get with STALKED: An Interracial Erotic Paranormal Horror Romance.

Author A.C. Greenlee is far beyond the beginning stages of making a name for themselves in the paranormal erotic romance realm.  In fact, they’re pretty much the go-to person for when you want to read something steamy that features twists of color that break through stereotypical and tropey sorts of romance.  So it is in their latest, STALKED: An Interracial Erotic Paranormal Horror Romance.  While there is a ton of chemistry between the fated couplings in Greenlee’s book, and it does get sufficiently steamy enough to slap an adults only label on it, the prose surrounding the hot and heavy moments is strong enough that you could have easily cut the romance at the door, and still had a very powerful, captivating, and entertaining book.

Quick-witted and astute, Park Ranger Agnes Stallard has dedicated her life to the protection and conservation of the animals living in Litchfield State Park. Between fighting off poachers and keeping her hot-tempered boyfriend out of trouble, this small-town girl has more than enough to keep her busy. Or so she thinks. When two hikers turn up murdered and eviscerated on her watch, life at her beloved park gets a whole lot more interesting. As more bodies are unearthed, her investigation leads her to the unlikeliest of sources; an ominous presence that once only existed in urban legends. When this being threatens the wolf-pack living at the heart of Litchfield, Agnes is forced to put her very life on the line to secure everything she holds dear—even at the cost of the man she once thought she loved.

Fearless but cynical, Wesley Kristiansen is Litchfield’s reluctant alpha-wolf. Sanctioned by the Ranger Captain himself to defend the colony, he is the judge, jury and executioner for anyone who threatens their way of life. However, this responsibility comes at a cost, creating an atmosphere of dissension and mistrust with the very Lycanthropes he has sworn to safeguard. When members of the pack start disappearing—and turning up dead—Wesley is naturally the first to be blamed. But the horrific threat lurking in the deepest recesses of their once charming forest is far worse than even an angry werewolf with a mate to protect.

With the local authorities demanding answers for the murders, a colony of werewolves ready to revolt, and an ex-boyfriend turned coworker from hell thrown into the mix, the last thing Agnes and Wesley need is a vicious stalker on their tails. But the ancient forests of Litchfield are no longer safe, and if they want to survive the danger skulking in the darkness, carnage and brutality must become their new norm. With their lives and even their relationship on the line, its up to the indomitable lovers to bring about order—by any means necessary.

S T A L K E D is a standalone BWWM shifter romance novel with elements of horror, science fiction and erotica.
Reader discretion is strongly advised.

Greenlee could have focused on just what happens between the sheets, so to speak, but they’ve managed to build a little corner of a world here that feels rich and engaging.  It’s a twist on werewolf lore that will keep readers intrigued, whether they’re diving into the pages for something saucy, or something with a bit more bite.  It also helps that the author captivates their audience with great prose that keeps them on the edge of their seats, and with characters that are dynamic and show growth throughout their journeys.  If that sounds like it’s up your alley, don’t wait on this great, steamy, fun book.  Check out STALKED: An Interracial Erotic Paranormal Horror Romance on Amazon today!

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Sci-Fi Promo – L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-l-ron-hubbard-presents-writers-of-the-future-volume-40/ https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-l-ron-hubbard-presents-writers-of-the-future-volume-40/#comments Fri, 03 May 2024 10:30:03 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=35107 Folks, we here at Tellest relish every trip that we take into the Otherworld, especially when we’re happening upon the next great authors of the future.  So it is with great pride that we bring you not just another look at Writers of the Future, but a look at their 40th issue!  Releasing on May […]

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Folks, we here at Tellest relish every trip that we take into the Otherworld, especially when we’re happening upon the next great authors of the future.  So it is with great pride that we bring you not just another look at Writers of the Future, but a look at their 40th issue!  Releasing on May 7th this year, the latest volume features a dozen new stories from talented authors, as well as bonus stories from industry veterans.  If that sounds appealing to you, read on to learn more about the latest volume of this captivating anthology.

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 is a fantastic look today at some of the strongest candidates for your favorite storytellers of tomorrow.  Running the gamut between science fiction, science fantasy, traditional fantasy, and more contemporary works, these issues are perfect for any and all fans of speculative fiction.  A dozen stories by up-and-coming authors fill the pages, accompanied by beautiful displays from equally talented artists who will no doubt be composing covers and concepts alongside the prolific worldbuilders who have won the most recent contest.  They are joined by award-winning authors, who elevate the contest winners alongside them.

Spine-tingling, breathtaking, and mind-blowing…

Experience these powerful new voices—vivid, visceral, and visionary—as they explore uncharted worlds and reveal unlimited possibilities.

Twelve captivating tales from the best new writers of the year as selected by Writers of the Future Contest judges accompanied by three more from L. Ron Hubbard, Nancy Kress, and S.M. Stirling. Each of these spectacular stories is accompanied by a full-color illustration.

Dementia has landed Dan Kennedy in Graydon Manor, and what’s left of his life ahead seems dismal, but a pair of impossible visitors bring unexpected hope; When a teenage swamp witch fears her mama will be killed, she utilizes her wits and the magic of the bayou—no matter the cost to her own soul; What if magic could undo the unthinkable, and undo Death itself? Would you use it no matter the cost? What would you sacrifice for love?

Read all these stories and many more, in the 40th release of Writers of the Future!

It is always a treat whenever the Writers of the Futures books hit the shelves.  The big 40 is a huge deal, and Galaxy Press is treating it as such, with excellent preorder bonuses as you can see here.  Let it be known though, that these stories stand strong on their own, and they’re enough of a reward all on their own!  This issue releases on May 7th, but don’t let that stop you from preordering today.  Check out L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 on Amazon today, and make sure you check out the other quick links and info below!


Notes for writers and illustrators:

L. Ron Hubbard started the contest to help discover and nurture new authors into the highly competitive field of publishing.  It is free to enter, there are cash prizes, and the winners are paid professional rates and maintain their rights.  The judges include Brandon Sanderson, Orson Scott Card, Nnedi Okorafor, Kevin J. Anderson, Brian Herbert, Jody Lynn Nye, Larry Niven, Robert J. Sawyer, Katherine Kurtz, and many others. They select the best of the best from stories sent in from around the world, and they judge blind, making it a fair competition for all authors and illustrators who enter from anywhere in the world and of any color, gender, or age.

Writers of the Future Quick links:

Enter the Writing Contest https://www.writersofthefuture.com/enter-writer-contest/
Free Writing Workshop https://www.writersofthefuture.com/writing-workshop/
Writing Podcast: https://www.writersofthefuture.com/podcast/
Writers Forum: https://www.writersofthefuture.com/forum/
Writing Contest Rules https://www.writersofthefuture.com/contest-rules-writers/
Contest Judges: https://www.writersofthefuture.com/writer-judges/
Contest Blog: www.writersofthefuture.com/blog
List of Writers of the Future & L. Ron Hubbard books https://galaxypress.com/l-ron-hubbard-books/

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Sci-Fi Promo – The Dissonance Series, by Aaron Ryan https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-the-dissonance-series-by-aaron-ryan/ https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-the-dissonance-series-by-aaron-ryan/#comments Thu, 02 May 2024 10:30:24 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=35101 Greetings, travelers.  We’re taking a return trip through the Otherworld to land on a future version of Earth that is left worse for wear after the appearance of mighty extraterrestrials called gorgons.  In Aaron Ryan’s Dissonance series, we watch as a decimated humanity struggles to survive, and learns that the monsters from beyond our stars […]

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Greetings, travelers.  We’re taking a return trip through the Otherworld to land on a future version of Earth that is left worse for wear after the appearance of mighty extraterrestrials called gorgons.  In Aaron Ryan’s Dissonance series, we watch as a decimated humanity struggles to survive, and learns that the monsters from beyond our stars aren’t the only ones worth worrying about.  Read on to learn more about The Dissonance Series, by Aaron Ryan.

In Aaron Ryan’s Dissonance: Volume I: Reality, the survivors of Earth must acclimate to their new normal.  Monsters roam the planet, and they are unlike anything that we’ve ever faced before.  With one look, they can establish a psychic link that freezes humans in their tracks, and leaves them as easy prey.  But Ryan’s characters are not all such easy marks for the alien invaders.  He writes them with wit and determination (and a little bit of luck), and establishes them as worthy adversaries to the formidable gorgons.  Across the entirety of the series, the author builds up our broken world into something spectacular, assuring that something new and impressive rises out of the ashes of what was there before—using what preceded it to great effect, but carving a new path nonetheless.

“One look, and it’s all over.” There are some rules you never forget. Above all else, whatever you do, you never look directly at a gorgon. Now, plug your ears… because the war for humanity is all right here in the “Dissonance” volumes. “Reality” debuted 1.1.24. “Reckoning” debuted 3.20.24. “Renegade” will debut 5.18.24.

The aliens invaded our world in the year 2026. They hovered there for three whole months, while the world watched and waited, wondering what they wanted with us. Then, on September 3rd, 2026, they activated, hunting us down with a terrifying power to immobilize us with their telepathy, paralyzing us where we stood, allowing them to eat at their leisure.

Sergeant Cameron Shipley lost everything to the gorgons in that invasion. 16 years later, he and mankind are eking out an existence in the shadows: hiding, trying desperately to survive.

Bestselling author Aaron Ryan crafts harrowing tales of epic tension, set amidst a gritty post-apocalyptic Earth, in this bestselling alien invasion military thriller series.

Readers of the “Alien Invasion” series by Johnny B. Truant and Sean Platt, the “Heartland Aliens” series by Joshua James, “The Hunger Games” trilogy by Suzanne Collins, and the “Legend” series by Marie Lu will appreciate this post-apocalyptic aliens thriller.

Whether readers are looking for a resistance against an alien invasion, or an inward look at the kind of monsters that were here before the gorgons arrived, Ryan has them covered.  The author starts with the warring emotions of hope and dread, and expands on the ethos of the story by pitting parts of humanity against one another.  Fans will find characters to root for, monsters to fear, and a new world to witness as it begins to build up from the shattered pieces of the past.  If that sounds like it is something you’ve been waiting for, don’t wait.  Start your journey into the Dissonance series with the first book, Dissonance: Volume I: Reality.  Then, when you’re ready to learn more, and bring the fight to the gorgons, check out the rest of author Aaron Ryan’s website!

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https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-the-dissonance-series-by-aaron-ryan/feed/ 1 35101
Sci-Fi Promo: Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-battlefield-earth-a-saga-of-the-year-3000-3/ https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-battlefield-earth-a-saga-of-the-year-3000-3/#comments Thu, 18 Apr 2024 10:30:00 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=35057 Greetings travelers!  We’ve talked about it before, but the rest of this month is a great time for Battlefield Earth, which is on sale for just $2.99.  It’s one of the most formative novels of this genre, and it helped a lot of others get on the galactic map, so if you’ve slept on this […]

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Greetings travelers!  We’ve talked about it before, but the rest of this month is a great time for Battlefield Earth, which is on sale for just $2.99.  It’s one of the most formative novels of this genre, and it helped a lot of others get on the galactic map, so if you’ve slept on this book in the past, now is a great time to add it to collection.  Read on to learn about why it stands apart even now.

One of the most loved pulp sci-fi books of the past century, L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000, celebrates its fortieth birthday this year.  It’s popcorn sci-fi that gets its hooks in readers, and doesn’t let go.  Battlefield Earth is known for characters that are either loved, or who readers love to hate, as well as for endless chapters of space opera adventure.  And for those who are just beginning to venture into Hubbard’s fiction, there’s no doubt more that they’ll come to enjoy.

Is it the end of the world or the rebirth of a new one?

In the year A.D. 3000, Earth is a dystopian wasteland. The great cities stand crumbling as a brutal reminder of what we once were. When the Psychlos invaded, all the world’s armies mustered little resistance against the advanced alien weapons.

Now, the man animals serve one purpose. Do the Psychlos’ bidding or face extinction.

One man, Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, has a plan. They must learn about the Psychlos and their weapons. He needs the other humans to follow him. And that may not be enough.

Can he outwit his Psychlo captor, Terl?

The fate of the Galaxy lies on the Battlefield of Earth.

Read the sci-fi classic your favorite authors rave about:

“Masterpiece of popular adventure sci-fi.”—Brandon Sanderson
“Brilliant.”—Hugh Howey
“Un-put-downable.”—Neil Gaiman
“Science-fiction tour de force.”—Douglas E. Richards
“A masterpiece.”—Robert A. Heinlein

This book has captivated the hearts and minds of many, including some of your favorite creative geniuses.  From Brandon Sanderson, who praised its explosive pace across the massive narrative, to Kevin J. Anderson of the Dune Sagas, who hailed its adventurous spirit.  And by the way, Dune fans absolutely love this book and the universe it spawned. It’s been known to grab hold of even the most talented writer’s attention, and refuse to let go.  There is a reason that it’s endured all these years, and now, forty years after its debut, it has retained its charm, and continues to grab hold of new readers.  If you haven’t had the chance yet, do yourself a favor and give it a glance.  Check out Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 on Amazon today!

If you prefer an audiobook experience, you can pick it up here.  You can also click here to learn more about the Battlefield Earth universe.

And finally, a book trailer:

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Sci-Fi Promo – Yob’s Odyssey: A Journey of Searching the Powers of Nature (Yob’s Worldz Trilogy) https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-yobs-odyssey-a-journey-of-searching-the-powers-of-nature-yobs-worldz-trilogy/ https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-yobs-odyssey-a-journey-of-searching-the-powers-of-nature-yobs-worldz-trilogy/#comments Wed, 10 Apr 2024 10:30:49 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=35010 Greetings, travelers, and thank you for joining us for a new trip to the Otherworld.  Today we’re taking an interesting side journey into a tale that is probably unlike anything you’ve ever seen.  If the idea of joining a person on a special adventure to the heart of a great change for the betterment of […]

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Greetings, travelers, and thank you for joining us for a new trip to the Otherworld.  Today we’re taking an interesting side journey into a tale that is probably unlike anything you’ve ever seen.  If the idea of joining a person on a special adventure to the heart of a great change for the betterment of the planet seems like it would be up your alley, you may want to read a sample of Yob’s Odyssey: A Journey of Searching the Powers of Nature.

Author Thor Wier has a special affinity for our world, and he infuses that particular, peculiar care into his latest story, Yob’s Odyssey: A Journey of Searching the Powers of Nature.  Spend just a few minutes between the covers of this book, and you’ll certainly see that this story isn’t quite anything you’ve read before.  It blends the premise of some of your favorite tales.  It’s a boy raised by animals in nature, with special gifts, who learns that he might have the knowledge and the good fortune of being able to usher in a new age of prosperity for Earth, relinquishing the kind of energy that we currently use in order to use what which will allow our world to thrive: a new energy derived from nature.

What would the world be without fossil fuel?

This is a story about a boy brought up in the forest by animals, who finds a new energy from nature. He learns how to talk to the animals, and they teach him the fundamental ways of nature. His real parents send him there to keep “The Men in Black” from finding him, thus keeping him safe. In a parallel world of the most beautiful, amazing forest, the animals protect and show him how to go with the grain of nature.

Having drifted miles down a river, he finds a cabin that miraculously enough has plans of his father’s invention. His DNA correlates with his father’s intention, and he begins researching his goal.

A dog, wolf, and bear become his new parents, as Pa, Ma, and Grandpa. The boy begins new research of a hidden energy in nature.

He discovers energy that can replace fossil fuel. His discovery enhances his furthest expectations. As he works on the most amazing discovery, the animals in return teach the boy how to ferret out the principles with nature.

As years pass he continues on, making a better prototype. His animal family, now many more animals of the forest, converse with him. They tell him of his world in which he had come from. It left him befuddled, in a state of great wonder. His new family feels he is the one, to help all, and bring forth change.

He shows this new energy to world leaders, and by doing so he meets the love of his life, his better half, his soul mate, and finds true love.

Meanwhile, Yob prepares for finding the energy from nature by going into a realm no one have ever gone before.. As he finds this new energy, it takes Yob on an odyssey deep into the universe to show ways to bring bring forth ways of improving our world.

Thor Wier dearly cares about the way we treat our planet, and that extends to the way we treat its creatures.  There is a through line of finding harmony and balance throughout Yob’s Odyssey.  While the book certainly has its science fiction elements, it is grounded in the reality that we must find new ways to cherish and preserve this world, or it will move on without us.  If you have a great respect for the Earth, its resources, and its creatures, this book could be up your alley.  Check out Yob’s Odyssey: A Journey of Searching the Powers of Nature (Yob’s Worldz Trilogy) on Amazon today!

And if you’d like to see a trailer for the book, check this out:

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https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-yobs-odyssey-a-journey-of-searching-the-powers-of-nature-yobs-worldz-trilogy/feed/ 1 35010
Interview with Albert T. Franklin https://tellest.com/interview-with-albert-t-franklin/ https://tellest.com/interview-with-albert-t-franklin/#respond Fri, 05 Apr 2024 10:30:05 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=34992 Greetings, travelers.  We recently had the opportunity to promote the work of newcomer author Albert T. Franklin, whose work on Searching For Zen: A Tale of Divine Destiny, takes a spiritual look at fantasy, and paints it with modern strokes.  Today, we take a further look at the art and the artist and learn more […]

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Greetings, travelers.  We recently had the opportunity to promote the work of newcomer author Albert T. Franklin, whose work on Searching For Zen: A Tale of Divine Destiny, takes a spiritual look at fantasy, and paints it with modern strokes.  Today, we take a further look at the art and the artist and learn more about Franklin and his takes on the storytelling craft.  Read on to learn more about Albert T. Franklin and Searching For Zen.

Tellest: Welcome, Albert!  First off, please let me thank you for sparing some of your time to get us a little peek behind the curtain, and to learn about both you and the stories you’re crafting.  With all the things you do, I’m sure that time is not an abundance, so I appreciate that we’re able to carve out some time to see more about what makes you tick.  And I’m eager to help you reach new readers and convert them into lifelong fans!

Albert T. Franklin: Thank you so much for having me, I truly appreciate the opportunity.


T: It is tradition at this point to begin these interviews with a question that sets the foundation for the way we’ll understand you and where you’ve come from, and why writing is an integral part of your journey.  At what point were you inspired to become a writer?  Was there a specific author that spoke to you more than others?  Or was there some other experience that gave you the need to tell stories the way that you do?

ATF: I wrote a lot of stories in school, and entered contests back then, and my teachers encouraged me to go to college and learn more about writing. However, I inherited a small amount of money, and I traveled as much of the Earth as I could for my 20s. So, while I still told stories to myself, I put any writing on hold.


T: Where would you say you’ve attained most of your inspiration for your recent writing?  Was it due to your travels, or something else entirely?

ATF: It has been over my travels; my next story takes place in northern NY as I spent a few years up there but of course there are small bits of all sorts of time frames in each story.


T: With that in mind, are there any other places that you’ve been dreaming of visiting for inspiration?  When you venture to a new place out in the world, do you do it for personal fulfillment that bleeds into your work, or do you think of your writing ahead of time as well?

ATF: Still have not made it to New Zealand so I’ve got to get there, also India.



T: Searching For Zen: A Tale of Divine Destiny is, at its heart, a spiritual journey.  In this day and age, it can be hard to tell something like this without being overly preachy, but you manage to toe the line in a way that feels much more like entertainment than theocratic lessons.  What inspired you to tell a story like this, and how do you achieve that balance?

ATF: Well, I just wanted to try to blend fantasy and maybe a more modern take on religion. I wanted to just use language like saying the true god, which is very religious but that could have very many different meanings depending on a point of view. But by saying that I think it inclines the reader to think of who they think is the true god instead of me getting into it, if that makes sense.  So, I’m not sure I did it well, but I wanted to try to update the mythos instead of it being some Greek or Roman god.


T: One of the biggest notions in this story is the fellowship of a found family.  Searching For Zen has shades of The Lord of the Rings, but it connects the characters in a way that often feels much more emotional and strikes deeper over a journey that feels more personal.  Did you find it at all difficult to connect your characters with such strong emotions for one another?

ATF: Personally, no, because in my travels I found that same type of family. People who truly became as close as blood. I’m very close with my real family and would never give that up but the ones you find along the way can change your life. So, some of the story arcs are taken from real life experience.


T: You have, perhaps, a grander possible way of looking at things than a lot of people do because you’re well-traveled.  Does that provide you with the ability to write stories that are more varied and outside the norm than most people expect?

ATF: I would like to think so, but I don’t want to presume. I think it helps me realize that most of us grow up not realizing we see the world one way but there are many different ways to look at it and that can be scary at first.  But once you realize its value, it expands your world. I would love it if someone read my stories and they said it made them think.  I would take that as a win.


T: Do you find that most of your stories come from a place of that sort of intellect and understanding, where there is an awareness of a bigger, broader world than the one we might be used to?  Or have you found yourself going against those thoughts in some cases, and exploring what could be considered narrower mindsets that might run in conflict with your own beliefs?

ATF: I would imagine my unconscious mind would have my general writing from that. I do try to write characters that are not in my set of beliefs. Like I wanted the bad guy in Zen to be over the top bad and a different way of looking at things mainly because Zen was too innocent in my opinion. The story didn’t start that way at first.  It was much darker.  But I worked to clean it up just in case my nieces wanted to read it.


T: You manage to balance a lot of emotive experiences with your story, whether you’re tackling existential exploration, bouts of humor, or deeply emotional moments.  Was that second nature to you, or did you have to train your skills to tune into those things so well?

ATF: Well to be honest this is not really a fantasy story but a story in a fantasy setting to hopefully make it interesting. I was really hoping someone would see it was my way of trying to say what is most important in life. That why Zen has great powers to show life can be hard even with all that stuff. It’s the connections you make—that’s the good stuff!


T: When you began working on this story, did you know that was how you were going to handle it?  That it was going to have this foundational concept that centered around the spirit and the connection to the world and those around you (and beyond), but that there was going to be a fantasy veneer over top?  Or was that something that occurred to you later?

ATF: I actually wrote the first rough draft for Zen over a 12-hour period, which is crazy. I had most of it already mapped in my head but then added and tried to fix it to make it better.  For me, with all my stories, I must have the overall arc in my head and mile markers, so to speak, of interesting things to help make the story connect. Then I try to have spaces that can just be spontaneous and grow as I’m writing it.


T: Have you had any scenes within those spaces that truly surprised you?  Has anything in your writing gone down a different direction than the path that you originally planned for?  If it has, did you feel you had to get things back on track, or did you allow it to kind of move along on its own?

ATF: Well not in Zen but my other works, yes. If it feels right, I run with it and allow it to grow in whatever way and amend the story from there. While I wanted my mile markers, as long as the idea is still there it can become different. Maybe instead another character will do what I needed later or try to add an idea as background so it’s part of the story if that makes sense.


T: Stepping outside of the book for just a moment, you’ve experienced a lot that our world has to offer, going on a tremendous number of adventures over the earlier parts of your adulthood.  How much would you say this inspired and helped to create the adventures that you then decided to share with others?

ATF: The main idea for this story came up after I had broken up with someone and drove across Canada alone in a crappy car with like 300 bucks to my name. I felt like my life was over and that I had squandered all my potential. After like 20 hours straight of Beck’s Sea Change album, I had to break out of that mindset, so I told myself a story about what I thought was most important. Of course, the story changed a lot over the decades.


T: Do you find, now that you’ve grown and hopefully healed from those earlier experiences, that the style of your writing and what you’re writing about has fundamentally changed, or are you able to compartmentalize the content of your writing and your experiences at this point?

ATF: I feel I have grown a lot personally and emotionally; I have found a happiness and contentment I was not sure I would ever find. I think you change, especially as you get older, from both the good and terrible experiences in your life. Not all the changes are for the good, sadly, but that is just part of being human. I do believe that time does heal all things, but when you say that it doesn’t mean the pain and hurt ever go away completely. It doesn’t mean you can just move on, but you can figure out a way to keep moving. Try to learn something from it and try to help someone else when you see them in that spot.



T: On your website, you have a series of blogs that go into your thoughts about the wider world of writing.  You tackle some of the biggest writing tropes and stereotypes and offer ideas to help express story elements in ways that don’t feel stale.  Is that something that you see yourself doing more of as time passes?

ATF: I hope so, I’m 50 now so maybe I should have started much sooner not to be stale, but I have four other novels done and not one is in same genre. I just wanted to tell some stories and I hope someone out there feels like “hey this means something to me too.”


T: While Searching For Zen could be a one-off, we also know that certain doors remain open.  What are your plans for the future of the world you’ve built here?  Is this one door you’ve left open for yourself?  Or are you planning on looking elsewhere, and building new doorways altogether?

ATF: I figured I would sell like nine copies mostly to my immediate family, so to be honest I was just wanting to get it out there and say I did it. However, I sold a lot more for the first time as an indie writer. I do have an idea for an overall arc for Zen, but I have other stories that will come out next that are completely different and not even fantasy stories. I have no delusions of grandeur of being the next great thing, but I really want to try to become the best writer I can be.


T: You mentioned earlier that you have a few more books that are completed.  Did you already have these completely wrapped up and ready to go when you released Zen, or has this been a process that you’ve been working on, juggling the multiple releases?

ATF: No, Zen was first.  As it was being edited, I wrote North Country Crimes (a story about a retired smuggler), and a space opera type story (no working title as of the moment).  Both were written at the same time and are now in editing. I have a horror story I’m sort of stuck 80 percent of the way through. Then I have an enemy-to-lovers-type story, and a space detective story that are almost finished with rough drafts. I just started a western story also.  I would like to release one book every nine to ten months, I think. Maybe that way I can build up my name as a writer.


T: That’s a wonderful ambition to have, and something that I think you would be able to pull off, considering the achievement we discussed earlier, with your twelve-hour first draft of Zen.

Do you plan on revisiting any of the stories that you tell or are you a bigger fan of exploring and experimenting with different genres.  It wouldn’t be so far off from your experiences with world traveling, I suppose!

ATF: I think first I just want to get some stories out. Then I wouldn’t be opposed to coming back and extending one of the stories. All are written to be more than one book, but being an unknown author, I think my main purpose at the moment is to just get my name out there.


T: You also indicated that the other stories that are coming out next are not part of the fantasy genre.  Are they still speculative fiction, like Sci-Fi or Horror or something similar, or are you going in a completely different direction?  Are you writing them all under the same name, or will you have a pseudonym that you write under for the other content?

ATF: All will be under my pen name Albert T Franklin, All the stories are mostly sci-fi but one horror, one western, enemy to lover’s type story, a detective type story and I’m not sure what my retired smuggler story fits in.


T: There are some creative types who provide connective tissue between their stories, even though they may be worlds apart as far as genre or even location goes.  Has that ever crossed your mind?  Or are you satisfied with having a definitive separation between your stories?

ATF: Actually, the space opera is the same universe as the detective story and the enemy-to-lovers story. It’s a universe I started building when I was very young, so it’s been with me for a long time.



T: If readers and fans wanted to learn more about you and Searching For Zen, where would you direct them?

ATF: I do check in on twitter at @lost7310, if anyone wanted, they could reach out to me there and I will respond. I love constructive criticism but of course I love it even more when someone liked something in it.


T: Do you also recommend your audience checking up on your website from time to time?  Or is that more for writers who want to try to see storytelling from different angles?

ATF: Yes. Sadly my website not very interactive but as soon as my current contract ends with one company and I can hand it over to someone else it will be better.


T: In any case, I hope that you’re able to bring your many worlds to life for people in the way that makes the most sense for you!

ATF: Thank you, and I’ll be back when the next book comes out.


T: Albert, I wanted to thank you again for sharing your time and allowing us to dive into your first released book a little bit more, and to learn more about what you’ve got on the horizon.  I’m excited for your stories to be discovered by more people, and for you to delight readers until they become fans!

ATF: Thank you for the opportunity!


T: Travelers, I would like to thank Albert T. Franklin once more for taking the time to share a little bit more about his writing journey.  These creators spend a great deal of their time working on their worlds, and it’s always a treasure that they offer up when they find a bit of it that they can carve out for us.  As you read above, Franklin is working on more to come, so do be sure to check in often with this up-and-coming author.  You can also start on their captivating first book.  Check out Searching For Zen: A Tale Of Divine Destiny on Amazon today!

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Sci-Fi Promo – The Way to Baen: A Coalition Series Book – 5 https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-the-way-to-baen-a-coalition-series-book-5/ https://tellest.com/sci-fi-promo-the-way-to-baen-a-coalition-series-book-5/#comments Thu, 04 Apr 2024 10:30:47 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=34976 Greetings, travelers!  We’re back today with another stop in the Otherworld, and another visit to a part of the galaxy that we’ve been to before.  That’s because we’re once again spending time with talented author Andrew Charles, who has recently released the newest book in the Coalition series.  If exciting world-hopping and political upheaval over […]

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Greetings, travelers!  We’re back today with another stop in the Otherworld, and another visit to a part of the galaxy that we’ve been to before.  That’s because we’re once again spending time with talented author Andrew Charles, who has recently released the newest book in the Coalition series.  If exciting world-hopping and political upheaval over the great expanse of space is up your alley, read on to learn more about The Way to Baen.

One of the things that author Andrew Charles does to great effect is to take some paths in his story that might be unexpected.  So it is in The Way to Baen, the fifth book in the Coalition series.  It thrives, in part, because it is able to surprise, even this deep into the series.  But at its heart, the Coalition series excels when the author focuses on its characters, and there is no fear of a misstep in that regard here.  The Way to Baen continues to shine a laser on the relationships and the development at hand in its appealing cast—whether you’re talking about delightful protagonists, or those who stand in their way.  As colorful as Charles makes his version of the galaxy, he paints with clever and careful shades of grey to ensure that you can understand and empathize with everyone who has a stake to claim.

While the latest in the Coalition series puts more weight on political unrest, there is still plenty of excitement at play.  There are more pieces on the board, and everything feels as though it needs to be played just right in order for a safe path forward to be found, as the fate of Baen hangs in the balance.  One of the things that Charles does well is introduce his stories in ways that feel fresh and appealing to newcomers and returning fans alike.  Even if you haven’t read a book in this series, you’ll likely be hooked, and want to head back to the beginning—but you don’t have to in order to start things off.  But don’t wait too long or you’ll be disappointed that you haven’t been able to experience this captivating sci-fi series sooner.  Check out The Way to Baen: A Coalition Series Book – 5 on Amazon today!

Also, check out the trailer below:

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Fantasy Promo – L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34: The Best New Sci Fi and Fantasy Short Stories of the Year https://tellest.com/fantasy-promo-l-ron-hubbard-presents-writers-of-the-future-volume-34-the-best-new-sci-fi-and-fantasy-short-stories-of-the-year/ https://tellest.com/fantasy-promo-l-ron-hubbard-presents-writers-of-the-future-volume-34-the-best-new-sci-fi-and-fantasy-short-stories-of-the-year/#comments Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:30:01 +0000 https://tellest.com/?p=34884 Greetings, travelers!  Here at Tellest, we endeavor to do two things more than any other: first, we want to entertain people through the lens of speculative fiction, whether that’s fantasy (our bread and butter), science fiction, or horror; second, we want to empower people to be creative, and to give them outlets which can strengthen […]

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Greetings, travelers!  Here at Tellest, we endeavor to do two things more than any other: first, we want to entertain people through the lens of speculative fiction, whether that’s fantasy (our bread and butter), science fiction, or horror; second, we want to empower people to be creative, and to give them outlets which can strengthen their craft, and potentially reward them.  So it is with great satisfaction that we’re unveiling our visit to the Otherworld today as L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34: The Best New Sci Fi and Fantasy Short Stories of the Year.

Introduce yourself to a dozen of the most talented storytellers of today, before they become the most popular authors of tomorrow.  L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34: The Best New Sci Fi and Fantasy Short Stories of the Year was the April 2018 release of the serialized anthology, but it has lasting power, thanks to the work of a dozen creative writers, in addition to the beautiful imagery of twelve captivating illustrators.  The Writer’s of the Future issues are flexible on the speculative fiction spectrum, but this issue leans a little more toward the fantasy genre.  Real experiences—which are divulged in the brief author profiles preceding each story—help to inform the fantasy, and it gives the collection a lived-in, richer veneer.  Whether you’re looking for something with a more contemporary flair, or something with the presence and stature of a traditional fantasy, you’ll find representation here in this collection, and you’re bound to find a new favorite story or author.

Your search for something new and different in sci-fi and fantasy ends here.

Presenting this year’s collection of fresh voices, fabulous worlds, and fantastic new characters.

Each year, the Writers and Illustrators of the Future Contests’ blue-ribbon judges search the world to discover and introduce to you the very best new talent in sci-fi and fantasy.

Created by L. Ron Hubbard, whose commitment to help new writers and artists gave rise to the annual Writers of the Future anthologies—a launching pad for writers and artists who are sure to command our attention for decades to come.

Limited Time! Amazon selected Writers of the Future Volume 34 as a Kindle Deal for $1.99.

Discover new authors and illustrators that will stretch your imagination, and read the three bonus short stories by L. Ron Hubbard, Brandon Sanderson, and Jody Lynn Nye, and essays on writing and illustration by L. Ron Hubbard, Orson Scott Card, Ciruelo, and Jerry Pournelle.

Why read Writers of the Future? Hear it directly from the Contest Judges:

“Some of the most excellent speculative fiction that you can find. They’re cutting edge.” —Nnedi Okorafor

“These are the people who are going to be creating trends.” —Brandon Sanderson

“The Illustrators of the Future is an amazing compass for what the art industry holds in store for all of us.” —Dan dos Santos

“Writers of the Future, as a contest and as a book, remains the flagship of short fiction.” —Orson Scott Card

“The best new stories by new writers, anywhere.” —Larry Niven

“Science fiction as a genre has always looked to the future and the Writers of the Future looks to the future of science fiction.” —Kevin J. Anderson

“See the best of the best culled for you, curated and selected in a single volume every year.” —Robert J. Sawyer

It’s important for writers of speculative fiction to be aware of this anthology, because it could be a game changer for those who partake.  With cash prizes, exposure aplenty, and the chance to have one’s work seen by the masters of the craft, Writers of the Future is one of the most prestigious writing contents available for fantasy and sci-fi storytellers.

It all comes back to readers though, and fans of fantasy and sci-fi should make sure that these anthologies are always on their list—and if they missed any older issues, they’re all available on Amazon.  This one is particularly catching, especially if you’re a fantasy connoisseur.  Check out L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34: The Best New Sci Fi and Fantasy Short Stories of the Year on Amazon today!  Don’t forget, it’s only $1.99 for a limited time!

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