Seeger Archives | Tellest The World is in Your Hands Thu, 28 Dec 2023 18:29:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Seeger Archives | Tellest 32 32 28342714 Character Art – Seeger O’Ryan Wed, 26 Jun 2024 10:30:47 +0000 Greetings travelers!  We’re back today to look at another character given new life in the timeline that we’re in during the current run of Tellest.  Seeger O’Ryan was killed in the book he was introduced in, and early on, but now, with things changed enough on Tellest, he has gone a completely different route, and […]

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Greetings travelers!  We’re back today to look at another character given new life in the timeline that we’re in during the current run of Tellest.  Seeger O’Ryan was killed in the book he was introduced in, and early on, but now, with things changed enough on Tellest, he has gone a completely different route, and found some sizable changes to his character.  Let’s dive in!

Because we have the city of Valtega better established this time around (we didn’t even know the city that these characters came from in As Darkness Falls), it’s easier to have that reflect on how it inspires things.  Seeger is a mercenary from Valtega who has become known as a pretty prominent pirate alongside his brother, Retrus.  Seeger is also a bit of a treasure-seeker, so he’s got his fair share of fun toys.  You’ll notice here he has a claw and a crossbow, although we’ve swapped the one weapon out in later iterations.  He also looked a little too “indigenous America” in the first sketch, and we wanted to make sure that where he was from was better reflected.

Even in this second sketch, as more details were coming to pass, we didn’t feel quite right about the crossbow.  Seeger already has an interesting weapon that we wanted to focus on—his claw, which is inspired by the claw weapon from the game Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.  You can see that Seeger looks considerably different, and he looks much more the part we expected.

This WIP here is the first time that we see Seeger drop the bow for a different sort of treasure.  Since he’s a collector of antiquities, we wanted Seeger to have something with combat possibilities, and something with utility possibilities.  Technically the claw performs both, as he can use it to travel, but the lantern gave us some cool abilities.

It is reminiscent of the Ghostlight Lantern that we introduced a while back, but the lantern we wanted to give Seeger is one that perform a reverse function of what a lantern does.  Instead, it hides the wielder, giving them a ghostly aura.  You can also see the art continuing to get polished as it goes.  We still weren’t too sure about the lantern here.  It looked a little too “Legend of Zelda” which I’m of course a big fan of, but I didn’t want it to be too iterative of.

We went with a little more of a classic look for the lantern.  And of course here, at this point, everything was polished in its entirety.  Wern did a great job of giving Seeger a new lease on life, and we’re very excited to see where this character gets to go from here.

We’ve got a long way to go before we see him, but Seeger’s brother Retrus is getting a cool refresh as well.  We’ll see him soon, so keep your eye peeled!

The post Character Art – Seeger O’Ryan appeared first on Tellest.

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