Fantasy Promo – Phoenix


Hello there folks!  We’re once again happy to bring you a tale from the Otherworld, though this is one stop we’ve taken before.  Half a year has passed, though, and it’s going to be great to see what’s been going on with one of the places we’ve visited.

We’ve worked with Daccari Buchelli before, and it’s amazing how much they’ve refined their work since we last looked at it on this site.  Today, he’s showing off Phoenix, a new look at Peradon. It’s a world he’s shown us before, but it’s brand new and even more vibrant than before, if that was even possible.  Peradon is as much a character as any of the people Buchelli introduces, and we absolutely adore the worldbuilding in place here.


Peradon. A world comprised of four seasonal realms, each with a unique form of elemental magic.

When young Reiza has a disturbing vision, the Ruler of the Winter Realm demands the death of a child; the Flame Realm Princess, Violetta.

Violetta had always found comfort in the form of magic, but a sudden tragedy compels her to view her gift as a curse. She is destined to one day rule the Flame Realm and desires little but to live her own life, free from the demands of others. A courtship with her sworn enemy could be just what she needs to find herself.

With preparations under way for a wedding, the couple is oblivious to the dark forces which lie in wait, preparing to fulfill Reiza’s prophecy by removing Violetta from the world of life.

If you thought our take on Buchelli’s Sweet Surrender was glowing, you should really give Phoenix a read.  It’s incredible in a ton of different ways, and it’s already been gaining steam and a handful of good reviews.  If you’re interested in slightly darker fantasy with a clever touch of magic, all wrapped up in a beautiful package, pick up Phoenix on Amazon today!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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